
Acct505 Case Study 2 Springfield

Satisfactory Essays

Case Study 2 Springfield Express Instructions: Springfield Express is a luxury passenger carrier in Texas. All seats are first class, and the following data are available: Number of seats per passenger train car | 90 | Average load factor (percentage of seats filled) | 70% | Average full passenger fare | $160 | Average variable cost per passenger | $70 | Fixed operating cost per month | $3,150,000 | a. What is the break-even point in passengers and revenues per month? Break-even Point Unit CM= $160 average full passenger fare – $70 average variable cost per passenger =$ 90 Unit Sales= $3,150,000 Fixed expenses/ $90 Contribution Margin = 35,000 passengers Unit Sales= 35,000 passengers * $160 average full passenger …show more content…

Springfield Express has an opportunity to obtain a new route that would be traveled 20 times per month. The company believes it can sell seats at $ 175 on the route, but the load factor would be only 60 percent. Fixed cost would increase by $ 250,000 per month for additional personnel, additional passenger train cars, maintenance, and so on. Variable cost per passenger would remain at $ 70. 1. Should the company obtain the route? No. there is a decrease from Unit CM= $175 -$70 Variable cost= $105 60% * 90 passengers = 54 passengers 54 passengers * 20 times month= 1080 Unit CM= 1080* $175= $189,000 Variable expenses= 70* 1080 number of passengers per month= 75,600 Unit CM= 105 * 1080= $113,400 Fixed cost 250,000- 113,400= (-136,600) Decrease in fixed costs expenses 2. How many passenger train cars must Springfield Express operate to earn pre-tax income of $ 120,000 per month on this route? Target Profit + Fixed Expenses /Contribution Margin= Number of Passengers 120,000 + 250,000= 370,000/ 105= 3524= number of passengers 3524/ 54= 65.26 or 65 total passenger cars 3. If the load factor could be increased to 75 percent, how many passenger train cars must be operated to earn pre-tax income of $

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