
A Fairy Tales ' Economic Length And Straightforward Messages

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A Fairy tales’ economic length and straightforward messages provide gender-related developmental paradigms not only pervasive patriarchal view as noted by Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar, but also limited yet empowering vision of females. The female protagonist in All-Kinds-of-Fur in Brothers Grimm 's collection displays what at first appears to be a passive, domestic, and objectified female figure, pointed out by a prominent narratologist Peter Brooks in his book Reading for the Plot; however, his reading of All-Kinds-of-Fur garnered criticisms from feminist critics due to its male-centred, gender-blind direction. His formalist interpretation of the fairy tale limits the scope of exploration of a given text. Brooks employs All-Kinds-of-Fur to demonstrate how temporal progression of a plot, motivated by psychological forces, reinforces narrative functioning of understanding and explanation. Plot to Brooks is a form of desire that carries the readers to the end but is eventually unsatisfiable by nature. The story of a princesses’ escape from the looming threat of marriage with her father and her marriage with another king do not motivate Brooks to focus on the protagonist’s desire. There is no “wrong” interpretation of a literature, but reasoning behind the tale’s gender-blind analysis and the necessity of a feminist criticism should be made.
The narratives on which the theory of narratology is found spoke mainly to and of male readers, thus gender seldom contributed a

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