SDEV 300 -Discussion



University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC) *

*We aren’t endorsed by this school




Information Systems


May 10, 2024





Uploaded by DoctorFieldMonkey on

Discussion What you learned from this password cracking activity and what would you recommend as possible strong passwords after completing this activity in your report? From this password cracking activity, I learned: 1. Password Strength: The passwords used in the activity, while seemingly complex, were all cracked relatively quickly. This highlights the importance of choosing strong passwords that are resistant to brute-force attacks and dictionary-based attacks. 2. Hash Algorithms: Despite using different hash algorithms (MD5, SHA256, SHA512), all passwords were successfully cracked. This underscores the importance of using strong hashing algorithms and not relying solely on their cryptographic properties to protect passwords. 3. Password Complexity: Passwords containing a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters provided some level of resistance, but they were still cracked. This emphasizes the need for even stronger password complexity and length. Based on from what I learned , I have 5 recommendations for creating strong passwords: 1. Length: Increase the length of passwords to at least 12 characters or more. Longer passwords are generally more secure against brute-force attacks. 2. Complexity: Use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters in passwords. Avoid easily guessable patterns or common dictionary words. 3. Passphrases: Consider using passphrases instead of passwords. Passphrases are longer phrases composed of multiple words, numbers, and symbols, making them more resilient to cracking attempts. 4. Avoid Reuse: Avoid reusing passwords across different accounts. Each account should have a unique and strong password to prevent widespread security breaches if one password is compromised. 5. Regular Updates: Regularly update passwords to mitigate the risk of them being cracked over time. Changing passwords periodically enhances overall security. By following these recommendations, we can create stronger passwords that are better protected against various password cracking techniques and improve overall cybersecurity posture.
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