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May 13, 2024





Uploaded by ChefRockFinch27 on coursehero.com

HIS 100 Module Five Activity Template: Historical Interpretations Replace the bracketed text below with your responses. Identify the topic you chose to explore: Wounded Knee Occupation Describe how exploring your research question improved your understanding of the historical roots of your current event. Exploring the Wounded Knee Occupation helped me to understand that historically the U.S. government has and continues to still commit injustices to the Native American community. Its always about control, control of lands, mineral rights, and a failure to uphold treaties. Explain how biased perspectives influence what is known about both your historical and current events. Much of what we have learned about history was written from only one perspective, that of the settlers. That is already such a biased point of view because it was viewed from a point of fear that turned into hate. History books called us savage, and uncivilized. Yet we already had knowledge of farming that we taught to the settlers when they came. And in other indigenous communities we were clean, bathed regularly, while most European conquistadors smelled so horribly, they burned incense to mask the scent. They were not savages; they indeed were civilized. With current events now, fortunately due to a rise in the use of social media these one- sided stories are no longer a thing, we can see videos of on trained attack dogs getting released on peaceful protestors at the Standing Rock Indian Reservation. We can see the mutilation of children at the war in Gaza, we are no longer limited by hearing the voice of only the oppressor, we can now hear the voice of the oppressed. Propose how the narrative about your historical event might change if it were told from a missing perspective. From what I see one of the major narratives that was missing is who shot first from the perspective of a Native American. Now I know we may very well never get to know the truth about that, but if there were more written documentation from those few survivors that was written from their point of view others would feel it’s appropriate to continue to call it the Wounded Knee Massacre. As it stands, I’ve only heard it being called that by other Native Americans while in conversation. Propose how the narrative about your current event might change if it were told from a missing perspective. If my current event was missing the point of view of the Standing Rock Reservation and all the protesters, then all we would hear about is how this pipeline that would stretch across 4 states and be 1,172 miles long and brings over 50,000 jobs to our economy. We would only hear about how other industries like hotels, restaurants and shops would benefit from this, or about how much safer it was to use as opposed to driving it in a truck from one location to another. We would have heard about how it would help on Americas energy independence. But we would not have heard about how it would affect a tribes only local source of water, or how it would affect the wildlife and sacred indigenous sites.
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