Final exam study guide



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Feb 20, 2024





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EXCI 252 INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, HEALTH, & FITNESS FALL 2023 STUDY CONTENT GUIDE FOR THE FINAL EXAM Dear EXCI 252 students, The Final Exam is scheduled for Wednesday, December 6, 2023, from 9:00 to 11:00 AM in classrooms MB-3.430 , MB-3.435 , and MB-3.445 of the John Molson School of Business (JMSB) building located at the Sir George Williams campus . Please visit your personalized final exam schedule by logging in to the   Student Hub  with your netname and then go to My CU Account > Academic > View exam schedule to find your classroom. ACSD students are expected to write the final exam in one of the downtown ACSD classrooms. You will have 2 hours to complete the exam, which will be composed of multiple-choice questions . Each question will have 4 choices ( A, B, C, or D) with only one correct answer . The final exam is worth 30% of your final grade. To write the final exam, you must present your valid Concordia University student identification card to the invigilators. Furthermore, you only need a pencil , an eraser , a nonprogrammable or ENCS-approved calculator for the final exam. Cell phones , and electronic dictionaries cannot be used during the exam. However, a printed (hard copy) translation dictionary (English to French, English to Spanish, English to Chinese, etc.) may be used during the exam. You are responsible for material from the textbook chapters indicated in the table below, the PowerPoint slides corresponding to these chapters, and any information covered in class lectures . If you notice a difference in content between the course textbook and the PowerPoint slides, the slides will take precedence because they have been updated to account for some errors or outdated information contained in the course textbook. It is recommended that you use the PowerPoint slides as your template for studying. If you do not understand some of the material in the slides, you can refer to the textbook. Chapte r Textbook Title Pages 6 Assessing Muscular Fitness 159-187 7 Designing Resistance Training Programs 189-227 8 Assessing Body Composition 229-279 9 Designing Weight Management & Body Composition Programs 281-308 10 Assessing Flexibility 309-329 11 Designing Programs for Flexibility & Low Back Care 331-347 Section CSEP-PATH Title Pages 3 Behaviour Change (CSEP-PATH 2021) 3-21 4 Musculoskeletal Fitness Assessment (CSEP-PATH 2021) 41-55 4 Sit and Reach (CSEP-PATH, 2021) 48-49 4 Physical Activity Training for Health (CSEP-PATH 2021) 65-87 Please note that pages 67 to 71 in Chapter 3 of the course textbook authored by Gibson, Wagner, and Heyward (2019) contains some information about behaviour change . Please refer to the following pages for the specifics of this study content guide. 1
EXCI 252 INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, HEALTH, & FITNESS FALL 2023 STUDY CONTENT GUIDE FOR THE FINAL EXAM Chapter 6 Assessment of Muscular Fitness (Pages 159 to 187) You are responsible to study most of the material in this chapter. Use the PowerPoint slides as your guide for this chapter. Please refer to the course textbook if you need clarification related to some of the content in the PowerPoint slides. Muscle fitness ( see page 72 ): characteristics of strength, hypotrophy, and local muscular endurance. Through resistance training (free weights, machines, body weight, bands…) where exert force against resistance. - Sources of measurement error in muscular fitness testing: client factors (experience, familiarity, motivation, maximal effort, restricted drugs and medications…) equipment (most of the dynamic strength and muscular endurance protocols and norms uses constant resistance exercise machines, calibration, inspection, maintenance…), technician skill (qualified, trained, explanation, demonstration…), environmental factors (room °C, humidity, clean). Muscular Endurance: muscle group exert a submaximal force, a given force, maintain a specific % of the max voluntary contraction, execute repeated contractions (to cause fatigue), sustain a static contraction (without fatigue) for extended periods. - Dynamic muscular endurance testing : repetitions to failure at a given % of body weight of 1 RM. YMCA bench press test uses a flat bench and barbell. As many of rep as possible. Cadence set a 30 reps/min. stopped when client can’t maintain the exercise cadence. 80 lb male and 35 lb female. Use a test battery , lift a % of client’s body mass up to max 15 reps. Muscular strength: maximal force generated in a single contraction at a specific velocity. Muscle group or specific muscle generate a maximal contractile force against a resistance in a single contraction. Peak force of torque developed in a max voluntary contraction. Absolute (MVC) or relative (MVC/Body Mass) Muscular Power: skill-related component. Muscle’s ability to exert force per unit of time (exert force rapidly). Rate of the mechanical work. Maximal amount of force for the least amount of time. Muscle imbalance: may compromise joint stability. Increase the risk of musculoskeletal injury. - Ratios: The difference in strength between contralateral muscle groups should not be more than 15%, upper body should be at least 40% of lower body relative strength. Isokinetic dynamometers have been used to assess muscle imbalances of agonist/antagonist ( see page 67 ) 2
EXCI 252 INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, HEALTH, & FITNESS FALL 2023 STUDY CONTENT GUIDE FOR THE FINAL EXAM Purpose of strength and muscular endurance assessment: establish baseline, monitor progress, asses overall effectiveness of resistance training and exercise rehabilitation programs. - Tests that asses them are specific to the: type of muscle action (static or dynamic), velocity of muscle movement (slow or fast movement), type of test (strength or endurance, type of equipment, ROM (static or dynamic) Type of muscle: - Static or isometric: isometric dynamometers, spring loaded dynamometers (external force applied to the dynamometers compresses a steel spring and moves an indicator needle or pointer). Same muscle length. No visible movement of joint. Maximum force exerted in a single contraction against an immovable resistance, limb not rotation (0 velocity) Handgrip strength testing: indicator of total body strength. Predictor of limitations and stability in a person. Procedures Protocol 1 (ASHT, 1982) Protocol 2 (CSEP, 2021) Seated or stand. Shoulder adducted and neutrally rotated. Elbow flexed 90°. 3 trials per hand. Forearm neutral, wrist extension 0 to 30°. Record mean of the 3 trials. Stand erect. Arm slightly abducted in neutral position. Test arm straight. 2 trials per hand, alternating. Combine the max scores from the left and right hands. Leg and back strength testing procedures Leg strength Back strength Stand on platform, erect trunk, flexed knees, pronated grip. Exert as much force while extending the knees w/o using back. 2 or 3 trials. 1 min rest between. Choose MAX score and convert in kg Stand on platform, head and trunk erect, knees full extended. Alternated grip (right = pronated, left =supinated). Pull straight up using back muscles. 2 trials, 1 min rest. Choose MAX score and convert in kg Handgrip Endurance testing: Maximal force (MVC) Submaximal force (% MVC) Squeeze the handle maximally for 1min. Record initial and final forces. Relative endurance score = (final force/initial force x 100) Squeeze the handle at a submaximal force for as long as possible. Relative endurance score = time the %MVC is maintained Hydraulic dynamometers: alternative to spring-loaded dynamometers. Have a sealed hydraulic system that measures force on a gauge dial. Ex: Jamar handgrip dynamometer (validity and reliability. Gold standard for handgrip dynamometers. May not be appropriate for isometric strength of people w/ weak MVC bc resolution of the device is too large to detect small changes) Myogrip Dynamometer: recommended for clients w/ weak MVC. 3
EXCI 252 INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, HEALTH, & FITNESS FALL 2023 STUDY CONTENT GUIDE FOR THE FINAL EXAM Cable Tensiometer: goniometer. provides the advantage of versatility for recording force measurements at virtually all angles about a specific joint’s ROM (assess strength impairment, monitor progress during rehabilitation). Strength in 38 muscle groups. Digital Handheld Dynamometry: upper and lower body musculature. 11 muscle groups. Clinical methods: v-sit test (trunk reclined 60°, angle of flexion (knee and hips 90°), Sorensen test (bench height = 25 cm, side bridge test, novel side-support test (feet are elevated on a 15 cm padded stool). - Dynamic: all concentric and eccentric. Muscle length changes. Visible joint movement. Free weight (dynamic muscular strength and endurance), constant-resistance exercise machines (dynamic muscular strength and endurance), variable-resistance exercise machines ( not for dynamic muscular strength and endurance), free-motion exercise machines, isokinetic-resistance exercise machines, calisthenic-type exercise tests. o Advantages and disadvantages of constant-resistance exercise machines compared to free weights: CREMs require less neuromuscular coordination to stabilize body parts and maintain balance and no spotting. However, limit an individual’s ROM and plane of movement, have large weight plate increments, can’t accommodate people w/ short limbs, long limbs, large body and large limb circumferences. auxotonic: free weight. Before called isotonic (tension fluctuates greatly even tho the resistance is constant throughout the ROM). Now (variable muscle tensions caused by changing velocities and joint action). Can be called dynamic constant external resistance exercise. The muscle group does not contract maximally throughout the ROM. o Major disadvantage: measure dynamic strength only at the weakest point in the ROM. The resistance can’t be varied to account for fluctuations in muscular force caused by the changing mechanical (angle of muscle pull) and physiological (muscle length advantage) of the musculoskeletal system during the movement. Concentric: resistance < force by muscle group. Muscle shortens during tension. Eccentric: resistance > force by muscle group. Muscle lengthens during tension. Resist gravity. o Force plates and linear transducers: used to obtain direct measures of muscular force and power. Gold standard of measuring dynamic strength and power. Expensive due to cost of equipment. o Tendo weightlifting analyzer system: linear transducer that can be attached to the end of a barbell. Reliable and valid device to evaluate lifting movement velocity, muscle force and power during dynamic resistance exercise in field setting. o Myotest accelerometer: measure force production in 3 different planes of movement. High validity and reliability for measuring dynamic muscular strength and power. Practical device to evaluate lifting movement velocity, muscle force and power in field setting. 4
EXCI 252 INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, HEALTH, & FITNESS FALL 2023 STUDY CONTENT GUIDE FOR THE FINAL EXAM o 1-RM: most common in clinical setting. obtained through trials and errors. Used to rate health status, establish exercise prescription workloads and/or monitor resistance training programs. The heaviest weight that can be moved only once through full ROM. One complete rep. Time consuming. May be underestimated for clients with little or no resistance exercise experience. Outside scope of practice of a CSEP-CPT. Warm-up: 5-10 reps 40%-60% of estimated 1 RM, rest 1 min, 3-5 reps at 60-80% estimated 1 RM, rest 2 min. Attempt 1-RM lift. Rest 2- 4 min between attempts. If successful, increase weight (5-10% upper body, 10- 20% lower body). Until failure (usually within 3 to 5 trials). relative strength: 1 RM/body mass. Six test items: bench press, arm curl, lat pull, leg press, leg extension, leg curl. estimation of 1 RM: submaximal muscular endurance tests (YMCA), 1 RM prediction equations, prediction tables. Use the average # of reps corresponding to various percentages of 1 RM. Estimated 1 RM = Weight lifted / (% 1 RM/100). isokinetic: isokinetic dynamometer (matches the force exerted to keep the same velocity = different resistance). Maximal contraction of a muscle group at a constant velocity throughout the entire ROM. o Cybex II Isokinetic Dynamometer: involves the assessment of maximal muscle tension throughout a ROM set at a constant angular velocity. Maximally loaded for the complete ROM by an isokinetic resistance exercise machine. Provides an accurate and reliable assessment of strength, endurance and power of muscle groups. The speed of limb is kept at a constant preselected velocity. The resistance counteracting the individuals force production is called accommodating resistance. Peak torque (puissance), total work and power can be evaluated. o Protocols Isokinetic tests Speed Protocol Measure Strength 30 or 60 2 submax practice trials and 3 max trials Peak torque Endurance 120 to 180 1 max trial # reps until torque reaches 50% initial torque value Power 120 to 300 2 submax practice trials and 3 max trials Peak torque o Limitation: expensive. Only permits angular motion. No isokinetic muscle actions occur in real-life movements. Variable resistance: machines w/ cams and pulleys. The muscle contracts maximally throughout the entire ROM by varying the resistance to match the exercise strength curve. Provide proportionally less resistance in weaker segments of ROM and more resistance in stronger segments of the ROM. Overcomes the main limitation of auxotonic resistance exercise. Have a moving connection between the resistance and the point of force of application. o Cam: ellipse connected to the movement arm of the machine on which the cable or belt travels. Each joint movement has an associated strength curve. Limitation 5
EXCI 252 INTRODUCTION TO PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, HEALTH, & FITNESS FALL 2023 STUDY CONTENT GUIDE FOR THE FINAL EXAM the cams of many machines are incorrectly designed and fail to match the strength curves of different muscle groups. Difficult to assess maximal muscle force or strength. Calisthenic-type strength and muscular endurance test: o Dynamic muscular strength test: determining max weight, in excess of body mass, that can be lifted for 1 rep of the movement. For each test, attach weight plates to the person. Pull-up, dip-strength, sit-up, push-up, bench squat. o Dynamic muscular endurance tests: max # of reps of a calisthenic exercise. Pull- ups, sit-ups, trunk curls, partial curl-ups, push-ups. Modified pull-up (Baumgartner, 1978). Flexed arms hang test. Measures isometric endurance of arm and shoulder girdle muscles. Scored as the amount of time that is maintained in the flexed arm hanging position. o Dynamic muscular power testing: vertical jump or standing long jump. Do not memorize information in the following tables: Table 6.2: Static Strength Norms Table 6.3: Percentile Scores for the Forearm Plank Table 6.4: Age-Gender Norms for 1-RM Bench Press Table 6.5: Age-Gender Norms for 1-RM Leg Press Table 6.6: Strength-to-Body-Mass Ratios for Selected 1-RM Tests Table 6.7: Muscular Endurance Norms for Bench Press Table 6.8: Dynamic Muscular Endurance Test Battery Table 6.10: Age-Gender Norms for Push-Up Test Table 6.11: Sahrmann Core Stability Test Table 6.12: Age-Gender Norms for Countermovement Vertical Jump Table 6.13: Average Number of Repetitions and %1-RM Values Table 6.14: Muscle Balance Ratios Table 6.15: Arm Curl Test Norms for Older Adults Table 6.16: 30 Sec Chair Stand Test Norms for Older Adults However, you should know how to use most of these tables in the event you are given practical problems on the final exam. I would have to provide you with these tables. You must know how to use Tables 6.6, 6.8, and 6.13, which correspond to slides 47, 60, and 51, respectively. You do NOT need to know anything about the tests for older adults in this chapter, which includes tables 6.15 and 6.16. Also, do NOT study any information in Table 6.11. 6
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