Final Exam W2020



University of Calgary *

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Apr 3, 2024





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2/17 The University of Calgary Schulich School of Engineering Winter 2020 Final Examination ENMF 417: Manufacturing and Production Processes Instructor: Dr. Simon Park & Dr. Keekyoung Kim Date: April 29, 2020 Duration: 3 hours (submission within 8:30 am April 29 to 8:30 am on April 30) Instructions: x Note that students are not expected nor required to spend more than three hours on the exam. x This exam is 50% of the total grade. x You must earn a passing grade on the final in order to pass the course x 7KH H[DP LV ³RSHQ ERRN´ DQG ³RSHQ QRWHV´± 1R RWKHU PDWHULDOV VKRXOG EH XVHG including internet. x The use of calculators is permitted. You will need to submit the answers to D2L Dropbox. Please write the answers in the blank white sheets (put your ID on top of the page) and put the page numbers. Please take photos of your answers (and convert into one single PDF file) and upload. Please state assumptions in cases where questions are not clear in lieu for asking TAs or instructors) The Honour Code is an undertaking of the students - individually: that they will not give or receive aid in examinations; that they will not give or receive unpermitted aid that is to be used by the instructor as the basis of grading; The faculty on its part manifests its confidence in the honour of its students by refraining from proctoring examinations and from taking unusual and unreasonable precautions to prevent the forms of dishonesty mentioned above. Examples of conduct that have been regarded as being in violation of the Honour Code include: x Copying from ĂŶŽƚŚĞƌ͛Ɛ examination or allowing another to copy from ŽŶĞ͛Ɛ own exam paper x Unpermitted collaboration ʹ any communication with peers during the exam time x Plagiarism x Revising and resubmitting an exam for regrading, without ŝŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŽƌƐ͛ knowledge and consent x Giving or receiving unpermitted aid on an examination x Representing as ŽŶĞ͛Ɛ own work the work of another The violation honour code includes but not limited to ͞&Ăŝů͟ for the course in which the violation occurred. I understand and abide the Honour code for ENMF417 W2020 Final Exam. Signature _____________________________ Date ___________________ Name ________________________ Indicate how many pages used ______ SP/KK Downloaded by Morgan Bresee ( lOMoARcPSD|4497455
3/17 PART I. Multiple Choice Questions (45 points, Choose the most appropriate answer) 1 e Friction stir welding is an example of which type of joining process? a. Fusion welding b. Arc welding c. Soldering d. Brazing e. None of the above 2 a Which is the best method to make aluminum foams for automotive applications? a. PM b. Sand Casting c. EDM d. None of the above 3 d The part of the mold cavity which supply additional metal to compensate for the shrinkage during solidification is called? a. Cope b. Gate c. Chills d. None of the above 4 a In sheet metal work, when the springback factor is 1, it represents: a. No elastic recovery of sheet metal b. Total elastic recovery of sheet metal c. 50% elastic, 50% plastic d. None of the above 5 d The parting line in injection molding is which one of the following? a. The lines formed where polymer melt meets after flowing around a core in the mold b. The narrow gate sections where the parts are separated from the runner c. Where the clamping unit is joined to the injection unit in the molding machine d. Where the two mold halves come together e. None of the above 6 b Which of the following method is the most suitable method to measure residual stress? a. Eddy current b. XRD c. CVD d. None of the above Downloaded by Morgan Bresee ( lOMoARcPSD|4497455 Wiki says " solid - State joining process " :{ Lost foam casting ? risen 1 means no spring back i Ano idea
4/17 7 b Which of the following should be avoided in sheet metal processing? a. Overbending the part b. Reduction of thickness c. Springback d. None of the above 8 e Which of the following method is the optimum process to join multiple razor blades? a. Diffusion Bonding b. EDM c. Resistance welding d. Forge welding e. None of the above 9 a The figure to the left shows the stress- VWUDLQ UHODWLRQVKLS± ³²Eµ´ UHSUHVHQW s which kind of relationship? a. Linear Elastic/Perfectly Plastic b. Linear Elastic/Plastic c. Rigid-Perfectly Plastic d. Rigid/Linear hardening e. None of the above 10 c ,Q WKH ILJXUH DERYH ²4±¶µ· ³²Gµ´ UHSUHVHQW s what kind of relationship? a. Linear Elastic/Perfectly Plastic b. Linear Elastic/Plastic c. Rigid-Perfectly Plastic d. Rigid/Linear hardening e. None of the above 11 a In general, which of the following cutting conditions has the greatest effect on chatter in milling operations? a. Depth of cut b. Feed rates c. Use of lubricant d. All of the above equally affect chatter Downloaded by Morgan Bresee ( lOMoARcPSD|4497455 * linear elastic plastic Elastic / perfectly - plastic ridged linear ridged - perfly - plastic hardening cutting speed ? b ?
5/17 12 c For a tension test of a material, the area under the entire curve is a measure of its ____? a. Elasticity b. Resilience c. Toughness d. Ductility 13 c Which of the following factors is not a concern for machinability of materials? a. Surface integrity b. Tool life c. Friction d. The level of difficulty in chip control 14 d In evaporation mold casting, the pattern is made of what? a. Wood b. Metal c. Plaster d. Polystyrene e. None of the above 15 b Redundant work in any bulk deformation process is a function of which of the following factors? a. Friction b. Non-uniform deformation c. Residual stress d. None of the above 16 c What is the maximum draft possible in rolling when the roller radius is 0.1 m, the friction coefficient is 0.1? a. 0.1 m b. 0.001 m c. 0.01 m d. None of the above 17 b Which of the following is not an example of defects associated with rolling? a. Wavy edges b. Chevron cracks c. Alligatoring d. Edge cracks 18 c Which of the following phase is _______ when temperature is 600 o C and carbon contents of 0.5 % in the Iron-carbon phase diagram? a. Austenite b. Ferrite c. Perlite d. Cementite e. None of the above Downloaded by Morgan Bresee ( lOMoARcPSD|4497455 0 i probably ? - potentially ? 0,12 0 . I = 0 . 00 I 0 =
6/17 19 a Boring is used for which of the following functions? I. Accurately locating a hole II. Enlarging a previously made hole III. Improving surface finish on a hole IV. Improving tolerance on a hole diameter V. Creating an internal thread VI. Creating an external thread a. I, II, III, IV b. II, III, V, IV c. II, IV, V, I d. I, III, IV, VI e. All of the above 20 d Which of following is not a common filler material for brazing? a. Silver alloys b. Copper alloys c. Nickel alloys d. Tin alloys e. None of the above 21 c Neoprene are examples of a. Thermosets b. Thermoplastics c. Elastomers d. Composite 22 b Martensitic transformation results in what kind of crystalline structure? a. HCP b. BCT c. BCC d. None of the above 23 c Which of the following processes would be appropriate to create a pocket with a square cross-section, 6000 mm on a side and 0.02 mm deep in a 5 mm thick steel workpiece? a. Abrasive waterjet machining b. Plunge EDM c. Chemical milling d. Laser beam machining e. Oxy-fuel cutting 24 d Which of the following arc welding processes uses a consumable electrode? a. Ultrasonic Welding b. GTAW c. Resistance Welding d. None of the above Downloaded by Morgan Bresee ( lOMoARcPSD|4497455
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