Lab 5



San Jose State University *

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Apr 28, 2024





Uploaded by BailiffSummerTapir30

Name:___________________________________ Date:_________________ Sec,on#:_____________ LAB #5: Bradford Assay Worksheet, Fall 2022 1. Complete the tables below: BSA STANDARD CURVES Calculate how much BSA is actually being read in the spectrophotometer and write it down in the worksheet below. In other words, you prepared a 1000 µL solu,on of the standard protein, but you only pipeLed 5 µL into each well to read. How much protein is actually in the well? (2 pts) [BSA] (mg/mL) Volume IgG stock (ml) Well # A595 Well # A595 Average A595 0.0 A1 B1 A1, B1 0.1 A2 B2 A2, B2 0.2 A3 B3 A3, B3 0.3 A4 B4 A4, B4 0.4 A5 B5 A5, B5 0.5 A6 B6 A6, B6 0.6 A7 B7 A7, B7 0.7 A8 B8 A8, B8 0.8 A9 B9 A9, B9 0.9 A10 B10 A10, B10 1.0 A11 B11 A11, B11 1
Name:___________________________________ Date:_________________ Sec,on#:_____________ IgG STANDARD CURVE (2 pts) 2) Using the posted “How to Create the Standard Curve” guide, plot standard curves for BSA or IgG. Alterna,vely, you can design your own spreadsheet or other computer program to generate a standard curve or you may draw one by hand. (3 pts) [IgG] (mg/ mL) Volume BSA stock (ml) Well # A595 Well # A595 Average A595 0.0 D1 E1 D1, E1 0.1 D2 E2 D2, E2 0.2 D3 E3 D3, E3 0.3 D4 E4 D4, E4 0.4 D5 E5 D5, E5 0.5 D6 E6 D6, E6 0.6 D7 E7 D7, E7 0.7 D8 E8 D8, E8 0.8 D9 E9 D9, E9 0.9 D10 E10 D10, E10 1.0 D11 E11 D11, E11 2
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