William Shakespeare (1564–1616). The Oxford Shakespeare. 1914.
Dramatis Personæ.The Tempest
- A
LONSO, King of Naples.- S
EBASTIAN, his Brother.- P
ROSPERO, the right Duke of Milan.- A
NTONIO, his Brother, the usurping Duke of Milan.- F
ERDINAND, Son to the King of Naples.- G
ONZALO, an honest old Counsellor.- A
ALIBAN, a savage and deformed Slave.- T
RINCULO, a Jester.- S
TEPHANO, a drunken Butler.- Master of a Ship, Boatswain, Mariners.
- M
IRANDA, Daughter to Prospero.- A
RIEL, an airy Spirit.- I
RIS, CERES, JUNO, Nymphs, Reapers, presented by Spirits.- Other Spirits attending on Prospero.
- S
SCENE. —The Sea, with a Ship; afterwards an Island.