William Shakespeare (1564–1616). The Oxford Shakespeare. 1914.
Dramatis Personæ.Romeo and Juliet
- E
SCALUS, Prince of Verona.- P
ARIS, a young Nobleman, Kinsman to the Prince.- M
ONTAGUE & CAPULET, Heads of two Houses at variance with each other.- Uncle to Capulet.
- R
OMEO, son to Montague.- M
ERCUTIO, Kinsman to the Prince, & BENVOLIO, Nephew to Montague: Friends to Romeo.- T
YBALT, Nephew to Lady Capulet.- F
RIAR LAURENCE, a Franciscan.- F
RIAR JOHN, of the same Order.- B
ALTHASAR, Servant to Romeo.- S
AMPSON & GREGORY: Servants to Capulet.- P
ETER, Servant to Juliet’s Nurse.- A
BRAHAM, Servant to Montague.- An Apothecary.
- Three Musicians.
- Page to Mercutio; Page to Paris; another Page; an Officer.
- L
ADY MONTAGUE, Wife to Montague.- L
ADY CAPULET, Wife to Capulet.- J
ULIET, Daughter to Capulet.- Nurse to Juliet.
- P
Citizens of Verona; male and female Kinsfolk to both Houses; Masquers, Guards, Watchmen and Attendants.
SCENE. —Verona: Once (in the Fifth Act), at Mantua.