Mawson, C.O.S., ed. (1870–1938). Roget’s International Thesaurus. 1922.
Class IV. Words Relating to the Intellectual Faculties
Division (I) Formation of Ideas
Section V. Results of Reasoning
487. Incredulity.
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NOUN: | INCREDULITY. incredulousness; skepticism, free thought, Pyrrhonism; want of faith (irreligion) [See Irreligion]; minimifidianism; unbelief [See Unbelief. Doubt]. SUSPICIOUSNESS &c. adj.; scrupulosity; suspicion (unbelief) [See Unbelief. Doubt]; inconvincibility. UNBELIEVER, skeptic or sceptic, miscreant [archaic], doubting Thomas, disbeliever, agnostic, infidel, misbeliever, nullifidian, minimifidian, zendik [Oriental], freethinker, Pyrrhonist (irreligion) [See Irreligion]; heretic (heterodox) [See Heterodoxy].
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VERB: | BE INCREDULOUS &c. adj.; distrust (disbelieve) [See Unbelief. Doubt]; refuse to believe; shut one’s eyes to, shut one’s ears to; turn a deaf ear to; hold aloof; ignore, nullis jurare in verba magistri [L.].
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ADJECTIVE: | INCREDULOUS, skeptical or sceptical, dissenting, unbelieving, inconvincible; hard of belief, shy of belief; suspicious, scrupulous, distrustful, disposed to doubt, indisposed to believe; heterodox.
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QUOTATIONS: | - I’m from Missouri and I want to be shown.
- You call me misbeliever, cutthroat dog.—Merchant of Venice
- Knowledge of divine things, for the most part, as Heraclitus says, is lost to us by incredulity.—Plutarch