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C.D. Warner, et al., comp.
The Library of the World’s Best Literature. An Anthology in Thirty Volumes. 1917.

Emil Zittel (1831–1899)

Zittel, Emil (tsit’tel). A German theological writer; born at Lorrach in Baden, Aug. 14, 1831; died on Jan. 23, 1899. He wrote: ‘All around the Jungfrau: A Tourist’s Notes’ (1874); ‘Dr. Martin Luther, 1483–1517’ (1883); ‘The Origin of the Bible’ (1891); ‘Bible Knowledge’ (11th ed. 1893); ‘How Jesus of Nazareth Became the Messiah or Christ’ (1893); ‘The Writings of the New Testament Translated and Explained for the German People’ (1894).