James Wood, comp. Dictionary of Quotations. 1899.
Learned fools to Let John Bull
Learned fools are the greatest of all fools.German Proverb.
Learned Theban.King Lear, iii. 4.
Learned without sense and venerably dull.Churchill.
Learning by study must be won, / ’Twas ne’er entail’d from son to son.Gay.
Learning hath gained most by those books by which printers have lost.Fuller.
Learning hath its infancy, when it is almost childish; then its youth, when luxurious and juvenile; then its strength of years, when solid; and lastly its old age, when dry and exhaust.Bacon.
Learning is a companion on a journey to a strange country.Hitopadesa.
Learning is a dangerous weapon, and apt to wound its master if it is wielded by a feeble hand, and by one not well acquainted with its use.Montaigne.
Learning is a livelihood.Hitopadesa.
Learning is a sceptre to some, a bauble to others.Proverb.
Learning is a superior sight.Hitopadesa.
Learning is an addition beyond / Nobility of birth; honour of blood, / Without the ornament of knowledge, is / A glorious ignorance.Shirley.
Learning is better than hidden treasure.Hitopadesa.
Learning is better worth than house or land.Crabbe.
Learning is but an adjunct to ourself, / And, where we are, our learning likewise is.Love’s L’s. Lost, iv. 3.
Learning is not to be tacked to the mind, but we must fuse and blend them together, not merely giving the mind a slight tincture, but a thorough and perfect dye.Montaigne.
Learning is pleasurable, but doing is the height of enjoyment.Novalis.
Learning is strength inexhaustible.Hitopadesa.
Learning is the dictionary, but sense the grammar, of science.Sterne.
Learning is the source of renown, and the fountain of victory in the senate.Hitopadesa.
Learning itself, received into a mind / By nature weak or viciously inclined, / Serves but to lead philosophers astray, / Where children would with ease discern the way.Cowper.
Learning, like money, may be of so base a coin as to be utterly devoid of use; or, if sterling, may require good management to make it serve the purpose of sense and happiness.Shenstone.
Learning, like the lunar beam, affords light, not heat.Young.
Learning makes a man a fit companion for himself.Proverb.
Learning makes a man wise, but a fool is made all the more a fool by it.Proverb.
Learning needs rest; sovereignty gives it. Sovereignty needs counsel; learning affords it.Ben Jonson.
Learning once made popular is no longer learning.Johnson.
Learning passes for wisdom among them who want both.Sir W. Temple.
Learning puffeth men up; words are but wind, and learning is nothing but words; ergo, learning is nothing but wind.Swift.
Learning to a man is a name superior to beauty.Hitopadesa.
Learning to the inexperienced is a poison.Hitopadesa.
Learning without thought is labour lost.Proverb.
Least said is soonest mended.Proverb.
Leave a jest when it pleases you best.Proverb.
Leave a man to his passions, and you leave a wild beast of a savage and capricious nature.Burke.
Leave a welcome behind you.Proverb.
Leave all piggies’ ears alone rather than seize upon the wrong one.Spurgeon.
Leave all things to a Father’s will, / And taste, before Him lying still, / Even in affliction, peace.Anstice.
Leave all to God, / Forsaken one, and stay thy tears!Winkworth.
Leave Ben Lomond where it stands.Scotch Proverb.
Leave her to heaven, / And to those thorns that in her bosom lodge, / To prick and sting her.Hamlet, i. 5.
Leave it if you cannot mend it.Proverb.
Leave not the meat to gnaw the bones, / Nor break your teeth on worthless stones.Proverb.
Leave off no clothes / Till you see a June rose.Proverb.
“Leave off your fooling and come down, sir.”Oliver Cromwell.
Leave the court ere the court leave you.Scotch Proverb.
Leave the great ones of the world to manage their own concerns, and keep your eyes and observations at home.Thomas à Kempis.
Leave this keen encounter of our wits, / And fall somewhat into a slower method.Richard III., i. 2.
Leave to-morrow till to-morrow.Proverb.
Leave to the diamond its ages to grow, nor expect to accelerate the births of the eternal.Emerson.
Leave well alone.Proverb.
Leave you your power to draw, / And I shall have no power to follow you.Mid. N.’s Dream, ii. 2.
Leaves enough, but few grapes.Proverb.
Leaves have their time to fall, / And flowers to wither at the north wind’s breath, / And stars to set; but all, / Thou hast all seasons for thine own, O death!Mrs. Hemans.
Leaving for gleaner makes farmer no leaner.Proverb.
Lebe, wie du, wenn du stirbst, / Wünschen wirst, gelebt zu haben—Live, as you will wish to have lived when you come to die.Gellert.
Leben athme die bildende Kunst, / Geist fordr’ ich vom Dichter—Let painting and sculpture breathe life; it is spirit itself I require of the poet.Schiller.
Leben heisst träumen; weise sein heisst angenehm träumen—To live is to dream, to be wise is to dream agreeably.Schiller.
Leberide cæcior—Blinder than a serpent’s slough.Proverb.
Led by illusions romantic and subtle deceptions of fancy, / Pleasure disguised as duty, and love in the semblance of friendship.Longfellow.
Leeze me o’ drink; it gies us mair / Than either school or college; / It kindles wit, it waukens lair (learning), / It pangs (stuffs) us fu’ o’ knowledge.Burns.
Legant prius et postea despeciant—Let them read first, and despise afterwards.Lope de Vega.
Legatus a latere—An extraordinary Papal ambassador.
Lege totum si vis scire totum—Read the whole if you wish to know the whole.
Legem brevem esse oportet quo facilius ab imperitis teneatur—A law ought to be short, that it may be the more easily understood by the unlearned.Seneca.
Leges ad civium salutem, civitatumque incolumitatem conditæ sunt—Laws were framed for the welfare of citizens and the security of states.Cicero.
Leges bonæ malis ex moribus procreantur—Good laws are begotten of bad morals.Proverb.
Leges mori serviunt—Laws are subordinate to custom.Plautus.
Leges posteriores priores contrarias abrogant—Later statutes repeat prior contrary ones.Law.
Leges sunt inventæ quæ cum omnibus semper una atque eadem voce loquerentur—Laws are so devised that they may always speak with one and the same voice to all.Cicero.
Legimus ne legantur—We read that others may not read.Lactantius.
Legis constructio non facit injuriam—The construction of the law does injury to no man.Law.
Legum ministri magistratus, legum interpretes judices; legum denique idcirco omnes servi sumus, ut liberi esse possimus—The magistrates are the ministers of the laws, the judges their interpreters; we are all, in short, servants of the laws, that we may be free men.Cicero.
Leib und Seele schmachten in hundert Banden, die unzerreissbar sind, aber auch in hundert andern, die ein einziger Entschluss zerreisst—Body and soul languish under a hundred entanglements from which there is no deliverance, but also in hundreds of others which a single resolution can snap away.Feuchtersleben.
Leicht zu sättigen ist, und unersättlich, die Liebe—Love is at once easy to satisfy and insatiable.Rückert.
Leichter trägt, was er trägt, / Wer Geduld zur Bürde legt—He bears what he bears more lightly who adds patience to the burden.Logan.
Leisure and solitude are the best effect of riches, because mother of thought. Both are avoided by most rich men, who seek company and business, which are signs of their being weary of themselves.Sir W. Temple.
Leisure for men of business, and business for men of leisure, would cure many complaints.Mrs. Thrale.
Leisure is seldom enjoyed with perfect satisfaction except in solitude.Zimmermann.
Leisure is the reward of labour.Proverb.
Leisure is time for doing something useful; this leisure the diligent man will obtain; the lazy man never.Ben. Franklin.
Lend, hoping for nothing again.Bible.
Lend only what you can afford to lose.Proverb.
Length of saying makes languor of hearing.Joseph Roux.
Lenior et melior fis, accedente senecta—You become milder and better as old age advances.Horace.
Leniter ex merito quidquid patiare ferendum est, / Quæ venit indigne pœna dolenda venit—Whatever you suffer deservedly should be borne with resignation; the penalty that comes upon us undeservedly comes as a matter of just complaint.Ovid.
Lenity is part of justice.Joubert.
Lenity will operate with greater force, in some instances, than rigour. It is, therefore, my first wish to have my whole conduct distinguished by it.G. Washington.
Leonem larva terres—You frighten a lion with a mask.Proverb.
Leonina societas—Partnership with a lion.
Leonum ora a magistris impune tractantur—The mouths of lions are with impunity handled by their keepers.Seneca.
Leporis vitam vivit—He lives the life of a hare, i.e., always full of fear.Proverb.
Lern’ entbehren, O Freund, / Beut Trotz dem Schmerz und dem Tode, / Und kein Gott des Olymps fühlet sich freier, als du—Learn to dispense with things, O friend, bid defiance to pain and death, and no god on Olympus breathes more freely than thou.Bürger.
Lerne vom Schlimmsten Gutes, und Schlimmes nicht vom Besten—Learn good from the worst, and not bad from the best.Lavater.
Les affaires? c’est bien simple: c’est l’argent des autres—Business? That’s easily defined: it is other people’s money.Dumas fils.
Les affaires font les hommes—Business makes men.French.
Les amertumes sont en morale ce que sont les amers en médicine—Afflictions are in morals what bitters are in medicine.French.
Les âmes privilégiées rangent à l’égal des souverains—Privileged souls rank on a level with princes.Frederick the Great.
Les amis, ces parents que l’on se fait soimême—Friends, those relations that we make ourselves.
Les amis de mes amis sont mes amis—My friends’ friends are my friends.French Proverb.
Les anglais s’amusent tristement—The English have a heavy-hearted way of amusing themselves.Sully.
Les beaux esprits se rencontrent—Great wits draw together.French Proverb.
Les belles actions cachées sont les plus estimables—The acts that we conceal are regarded with the highest esteem.Pascal.
Les biens mal acquis s’en vont à vau-l’eau—Wealth ill acquired soon goes (lit. goes with the stream).French Proverb.
Les biens viennent, les biens s’en vont, / Comme la fumée, comme toute chose—Wealth comes and goes like smoke, like everything.Breton Proverb.
Les bras croisés—Idle (lit. the arms folded).French.
Les cartes sont brouillées—A fierce dissension has arisen (lit. the cards are mixed).
Les choses valent toujours mieux dans leur source—Things are always best at their source.Pascal.
Les cloches appellent à l’église, mais n’y entrent pas—The bells call to church, but they do not enter.French Proverb.
Les consolations indiscrètes ne font qu’aigrir les violentes afflictions—Consolation indiscreetly pressed only aggravates the poignancy of the affliction.Rousseau.
Les délicats sont malheureux, / Rien ne saurait les satisfaire—The fastidious are unfortunate; nothing satisfies them.La Fontaine.
Les enfants sont ce qu’on les fait—Children are what we make them.French Proverb.
Les envieux mourront, mais non jamais l’envie—The envious will die, but envy never will.Molière.
Les esprits médiocres condamnent d’ordinaire tout ce qui passe leur portée—Men of limited intelligence generally condemn everything that is above their power of understanding.La Rochefoucauld.
Les extrêmes se touchent—Extremes meet.Mercier.
Les femmes ont toujours quelque arrière-pensée—Women have always some mental reservation.Destouches.
Les femmes ont un instinct céleste pour le malheur—Women have a divine instinctive feeling for misfortune.French.
Les femmes peuvent tout, parcequ’elles gouvernent les personnes qui gouvernent tout—Women can accomplish everything, because they govern those who govern everything.French Proverb.
Les femmes sont extrêmes: elles sont meilleures ou pires que les hommes—Women indulge in extremes; they are always either better or worse than men.La Bruyère.
Les gens qui ont peu d’affaires, sont de très grands parleurs—People who have little to do are excessive talkers.French.
Les gens sans bruit sont dangereux—Still people are dangerous.La Fontaine.
Les girouettes qui sont placées le plus haut, tournent le mieux—Weathercocks placed on the most elevated stations turn the most readily.French Proverb.
Les grandes âmes ne sont pas celles qui ont moins de passions et plus de vertus que les âmes communes, mais celles seulement qui ont de plus grands desseins—Great souls are not those who have fewer passions and more virtues than common souls, but those only who have greater designs.La Rochefoucauld.
Les grands et les petits ont mêmes accidents, et mêmes fâcheries et mêmes passions, mais l’un est au haut de la roue et l’autre près du centre, et ainsi moins agité par les mêmes mouvements—Great and little are subject to the same mischances, worries, and passions, but one is on the rim of the wheel and the other near the centre, and so is less agitated by the same movements.Pascal.
Les grands hommes ne se bornent jamais dans leurs desseins—Great men never limit themselves to a circumscribed sphere of action.Bonhours.
Les grands hommes sont non-seulement populaires: ils donnent la popularité à tout ce qu’ils touchent—Great men are not only popular themselves; they give popularity to whatever they touch.Fournier.
Les grands ne sont grands que parceque nous sommes à genoux; relevons-nous!—The great are great only because we are on our knees. Let us rise up.Quoted by Prudhomme.
Les grands noms abaissent, au lieu d’élever ceux qui ne les savent pas soutenir—High titles lower, instead of raising, those who know not how to support them.La Rochefoucauld.
Les grands seigneurs ont des plaisirs, le peuple a de la joie—High people have pleasures, common people have joy.Montesquieu.
Les haines sont si longues et si opiniâtres, que le plus grand signe de mort dans un homme malade, c’est la réconciliation—The passion of hatred is so long-lived and obstinate a malady, that the surest prognostic of death in a sick man is his desire for reconciliation.La Bruyère.
Les hommes extrêmement heureux et les hommes extrêmement malheureux, sont également portés à la dureté—Men extremely happy and men extremely unhappy are alike prone to become hard-hearted.Montesquieu.
Les hommes font les lois, les femmes font les mœurs—Men make the laws, women the manners.Guibert.
Les hommes fripons en détail sont en gros de très honnêtes gens—Men who are knaves severally are in the mass highly honourable people.Montesquieu.
Les hommes ne sont justes qu’envers ceux qu’ils aiment—Men are just only to those they love.French.
Les hommes sont cause que les femmes ne s’aiment point—It is on account of the men that the women do not love each other.La Bruyère.
Les hommes sont rares—Men are rare.French Proverb.
Les honneurs changent les mœurs—Honours change manners.French Proverb.
Les honneurs coutent à qui veut les posséder—Honours are dearly bought by whoever wishes to possess them.French Proverb.
Les jeunes gens disent ce qu’ils font, les vieillards ce qu’ils ont fait, et les sots ce qu’ils ont envie de faire—Young people talk of what they are doing, old people of what they have done, and fools of what they have a mind to do.French.
Les jours se suivent et ne se ressemblent pas—The days follow, but are not like each other.French Proverb.
Les magistrates, les rois n’ont aucune autorité sur les âmes; et pourvu qu’on soit fidèle aux lois de la société dans ce monde, ce n’est point à eux de se mêler de ce qu’on deviendra dans l’autre, où ils n’ont aucune inspection—Rulers have no authority over men’s souls; and provided we are faithful to the laws of society in this world, it is no business of theirs to concern themselves with what may become of us in the next, over which they have no supervision.Rousseau.
Les maladies viennent à cheval, retournent à pied—Diseases make their attack on horseback, but retire on foot.French.
Les malheureux qui ont de l’esprit trouvent des resources en eux-mêmes—Men of genius when under misfortune find resources within themselves.Bonhours.
Les maximes des hommes décèlent leur cœur—Men show what they are by their maxims.Vauvenargues.
Les méchants sont toujours surpris de trouver de l’habilité dans les bons—Wicked men are always surprised to discover ability in good men.Vauvenargues.
Les médiocrités croient égaler le génie en dépassant la raison—Men of moderate abilities think to rank as geniuses by outstripping reason.Lamartine.
Les mœurs du prince contribuent autant à la liberté que les lois—The manners of the prince conduce as much to liberty as the laws.Montesquieu.
Les mœurs se corrompent de jour en jour, et on ne saurait plus distinguer les vrais d’avec les faux amis—Our manners are daily degenerating, and we can no longer distinguish true friends from false.French.
Les moissons, pour mûrir, ont besoin de rosée, / Pour vivre et pour sentir, l’homme a besoin des pleurs—Harvests to ripen have need of dew; man, to live and to feel, has need of tears.A. de Musset.
Les mortels sont égaux; ce n’est point la naissance, / C’est la seule vertu qui fait la différence—All men are equal; it is not birth, it is virtue alone that makes the difference.Voltaire.
Les murailles (or murs) ont des oreilles—Walls have ears.French Proverb.
Les passions personelles se lassent et s’usent; les passions publiques jamais—Private passions tire and exhaust themselves; public ones never.Lamartine.
Les passions sont les seuls orateurs qui persuadent toujours—The passions are the only orators which always convince us.La Rochefoucauld.
Les passions sont les vents qui enflent les voiles du vaisseau; elles le submergent quelquefois, mais sans elles il ne pourrait voguer—The passions are the winds that fill the sails of the ship; they sometimes sink it, but without them it could not make any way.Voltaire.
Les passions sont les vents qui font aller notre vaisseau, et la raison est le pilote qui le conduit; le vaisseau n’irait point sans les vents, et se perdrait sans le pilote—The passions are the winds which propel our vessel; our reason is the pilot that steers her; without winds the vessel would not move; without pilot she would be lost.French.
Les petits chagrins rendent tendre; les grands, dur et farouche—Slight troubles render us tender; great ones make us hard and unfeeling.André Chénier.
Les peuples une fois accoutumés à des maîtres ne sont plus en état de s’en passer—People once accustomed to masters are no longer able to dispense with them.Rousseau.
Les plaisirs sont amers si tôt qu’on en abuse—Pleasures become bitter as soon as they are abused.French Proverb.
Les plus grands crimes ne coutent rien aux ambitieux, quand il s’agit d’une couronne—The greatest crimes cause no remorse in an ambitious man when a crown is at stake.French.
Les plus grands hommes d’une nation sont ceux qu’elle met à mort—The greatest men of a nation are those whom it puts to death.Renan.
Les plus malheureux osent pleurer le moins—Those who are most wretched dare least give vent to their grief.French.
Les querelles ne dureraient pas longtemps, si le tort n’était que d’un côté—Quarrels would not last so long if the fault lay only on one side.La Rochefoucauld.
Les races se féminisent—Races are becoming effeminate.French.
Les républiques finissent par le luxe; les monarchies par la pauvreté—Luxury ruins republics; poverty, monarchies.Montesquieu.
Les rivières sont des chemins qui marchent—Rivers are moving roads.Pascal.
Les sophistes ont ébranlé l’autel, mais ce sont les prêtres qui l’ont avili—The sophists have shaken the altar, but it is the priests that have disgraced it.Regnault de Waren.
Les sots depuis Adam sont en majorité—Ever since Adam’s time fools have been in the majority.Delavigne.
Les talents sont distribués par la nature, sans égard aux généalogies—Talents go by nature, not by birth.Frederick the Great.
Les utopies ne sont souvent que des vérités prématuriées—Utopias are often only premature truths.Lamartine.
Les vérités sont des fruits qui ne doivent être cueillis que bien mûrs—Truths, like fruits, ought not to be gathered until they are quite ripe, i.e., till the time is ripe for them.French Proverb.
Les vers sont enfants de la lyre; / Il faut les chanter, non les lire—Verses are children of the lyre; they must be sung, not read.French.
Les vertus se perdent dans l’intérêt comme les fleuves se perdent dans la mer—Our virtues lose themselves in our interests, as the rivers lose themselves in the ocean.La Rochefoucauld.
Les vieillards aiment à donner de bons préceptes, pour se consoler de n’être plus en état de donner de mauvais exemples—Old men like to give good precepts, to make amends for being no longer able to set bad examples.La Rochefoucauld.
Les vieilles coutumes sont les bonnes coutumes—The old customs are the good customs.Breton Proverb.
Les vieux fous sont plus fous que les jeunes—Old fools are more foolish than young ones.La Rochefoucauld.
Les villes sont le gouffre de l’espèce humaine—Towns are the sink of our race.Rousseau.
Leser, wie gefall’ ich dir? / Leser, wie gefällst du mir?—Reader, how please I thee? Reader, how pleasest thou me?Motto.
Less in rising into lofty abstractions lies the difficulty, than in seeing well and lovingly the complexities of what is at hand.Carlyle.
Less of your courtesy and more of your purse.Proverb.
Less of your honey and more of your honesty.Proverb.
Lessons hard to learn are sweet to know.Proverb.
Lessons of wisdom have never such power over us as when they are wrought into the heart through the groundwork of a story which engages the passions.Sterne.
Lessons of wisdom open to our view / In all life’s varied scenes of gay or gloomy hue.De Bosch.
Let a good pot have a good lid.Proverb.
Let a hoard always be made, but not too great a hoard.Hitopadesa.
Let a horse drink when he will, not what he will.Proverb.
Let a man be a man, and a woman a woman.Proverb.
Let a man be but born ten years sooner or ten years later, his whole aspect and performance shall be different.Goethe.
Let a man believe in God, and not in names, places, and persons.Emerson.
Let a man do his work; the fruit of it is the care of Another than he.Carlyle.
Let a man overcome anger by love, let him overcome evil by good; let him overcome the greedy by liberality, the liar by truth.Buddha.
Let a saint be ever so humble, he will have his wax taper.Danish Proverb.
Let a woman once give you a task, and you are hers, heart and soul; all your care and trouble lend new charms to her for whose sake they are taken.Jean Paul.
Let ae deil ding (beat) anither.Scotch Proverb.
Let all things be done decently and in order.St. Paul.
Let anger’s fire be slow to burn.Proverb.
Let another do what thou wouldst do.Proverb.
Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips.Bible.
Let another’s shipwreck be your beacon.Proverb.
Let any man compare his present fortune with the past, and he will probably find himself, upon the whole, neither better nor worse than formerly.Goldsmith.
Let authors write for glory or reward; / Truth is well paid when she is sung and heard.Bp. Corbet.
Let but the mirror be clear, this is the great point; the picture must and will be genuine.Carlyle.
Let but the public mind once become thoroughly corrupt, and all attempts to secure property, liberty, or life by mere force of laws written on parchment will be as vain as putting up printed notices in an orchard to keep off canker-worms.Horace Mann.
Let byganes be byganes, / Wha’s huffed at anither, / Dinna cloot the auld days / And the new anes thegither; / Wi’ the fauts and the failings / O’ past years be dune, / Wi a grip o’ fresh freen’ship, / A New-Year begin.M. W. Wood.
Let charity be warm if the weather be cold.Proverb.
Let dogs delight to bark and bite, / For God hath made them so.Watts.
Let each tailor mend his own coat.Proverb.
Let every bird sing its own note.Danish Proverb.
Let every eye negotiate for itself, and trust no agent.Much Ado, ii. 1.
Let every fox take care of his own brush.Proverb.
Let every herring hang by its own tail.Irish Proverb.
Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.St. Paul.
Let every man come to God in his own way.Ward Beecher.
Let every man do what he was made for.Proverb.
Let every man praise the bridge he goes over.Proverb.
Let every minute be a full life to thee.Jean Paul.
Let every one inquire of himself what he loveth, and he shall resolve himself of whence he is a citizen.St. Augustine.
Let every one look to himself, and no one will be lost.Dutch Proverb.
Let every tailor keep to his goose.Proverb.
Let every thought too, soldier-like, be stripped, / And roughly looked over.P. J. Bailey.
Let ev’ry man enjoy his whim; / What’s he to me or I to him?Churchill.
Let fate do her worst; there are moments of joy, / Bright dreams of the past, which she cannot destroy; / Which come in the night-time of sorrow and care, / And bring back the features that joy used to wear.Moore.
Let fortune empty her whole quiver on me, / I have a soul that, like an ample shield, / Can take in all, and verge enough for more.Dryden.
Let fouk bode weel, and strive to do their best; / Nae mair’s required; let Heaven mak’ out the rest.Allan Ramsay.
Let gleaners glean, though crops be lean.Proverb.
Let go desire, and thou shalt lay hold on peace.Thomas à Kempis.
Let go quarrel and contention, nor embroil thyself in trouble and differences by being over-solicitous in thy own defence.Thomas à Kempis.
Let go thy hold when a great wheel runs down a hill, lest it break thy neck with following it; but the great one that goes up the hill, let him draw thee after.King Lear, ii. 4.
Let grace our selfishness expel, / Our earthliness refine.Gurney.
Let her (woman) make herself her own, / To give or keep, to live, and learn, and be, / All that not harms distinctive womanhood.Tennyson.
Let Hercules himself do what he may, / The cat will mew, and dog will have his day.Hamlet, v. 1.
Let him be kept from paper, pen, and ink; / So may he cease to write, and learn to think.Prior.
Let him count himself happy who lives remote from the gods of this world.Goethe.
Let him tak’ his fling, and find oot his ain wecht (weight).Scotch Proverb.
Let him that does not know you buy you.Proverb.
Let him that earns eat.Proverb.
Let him that stole steal no more; but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.St. Paul.
Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.St. Paul.
Let him who gives say nothing, and him who receives speak.Portuguese Proverb.
Let him who gropes painfully in darkness or uncertain light, and prays vehemently that the dawn may ripen into day, lay this precept well to heart: “Do the duty which lies nearest thee,” which thou knowest to be a duty! Thy second duty will already have become clearer.Carlyle.
Let him who has hold of the devil keep hold of him; he is not likely to catch him a second time in a hurry.Goethe.
Let him who is reduced to beggary first try every one and then his friend.Italian Proverb.
Let him who is well off stay where he is.Proverb.
Let him who knows not how to pray go to sea.Proverb.
Let him who sleeps too much borrow the pillow of a debtor.Spanish Proverb.
Let him who would move and convince others be first moved and convinced himself. Let a man but speak forth with genuine earnestness the thought, the emotion, the actual condition of his own heart, and other men, so strangely are we all knit together by the tie of sympathy, must and will give heed to him.Carlyle.
Let him who would write heroic poems make his life a heroic poem.Milton.
Let ilka ane soop (sweep) before his ain door.Scotch Proverb.
Let it be your first care not to be in any man’s debt.Johnson.
Let it not be grievous to thee to humble and submit thyself to the capricious humours of men with whom thou conversest in this world, but rather … endure patiently whatever they shall, but should not, do to thee.Thomas à Kempis.
Let it not be imagined that the life of a good Christian must necessarily be a life of melancholy and gloominess: for he only resigns some pleasures, to enjoy others infinitely greater.Pascal.
Let John Bull beware of John Barleycorn.Proverb.