James Wood, comp. Dictionary of Quotations. 1899.
Each must stand to El corazon
Each must stand on his glass tripod, if he would keep his electricity.Emerson.
Each one of us here, let the world go how it will, and be victorious or not victorious, has he not a life of his own to lead?Carlyle.
Each particle of matter is an immensity, each leaf a world, each insect an inexplicable compendium.Lavater.
Each plant has its parasite, and each created thing its lover and poet.Emerson.
Each present joy or sorrow seems the chief.Shakespeare.
Each sin at heart is Deicide.Aubrey de Vere (the younger).
Each substance of a grief hath twenty shadows, / Which show like grief itself, but are not so; / For sorrow’s eye, glazed with blinding tears, / Divides one thing entire to many objects.Richard II., ii. 2.
Each thing is a half, and suggests another thing to make it whole; as spirit, matter; man, woman; odd, even; subjective, objective; in, out; motion, rest; yea, nay.Emerson.
Each thing lives according to its kind; the heart by love, the intellect by truth, the higher nature of man by intimate communion with God.Chapin.
Each year one vicious habit rooted out, in time might make the worst man good.Ben. Franklin.
Ea fama vagatur—That report is in circulation.
Eagles fly alone; they are but sheep that always herd together.Sir P. Sidney.
Eamus quo ducit gula—Let us go where our appetite prompts us.Virgil.
Early and provident fear is the mother of safety.Burke.
Early birds catch the worms.Scotch Proverb.
Early, bright, transient, chaste, as morning dew, / She sparkled, was exhaled, and went to heaven.Young.
Early master soon knave (servant).Scotch Proverb.
Early start makes easy stages.American Proverb.
Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.Proverb.
Earn well the thrifty months, nor wed / Raw Haste, half-sister to Delay.Tennyson.
Earnest and sport go well together.Danish Proverb.
Earnestness alone makes life eternity.Goethe.
Earnestness in life, even when carried to an extreme, is something very noble and great.W. von Humboldt.
Earnestness is a quality as old as the heart of man.G. Gilfillan.
Earnestness is enthusiasm tempered by reason.Pascal.
Earnestness is the cause of patience; it gives endurance, overcomes pain, strengthens weakness, braves dangers, sustains hope, makes light of difficulties, and lessens the sense of weariness in overcoming them.Bovee.
Earnestness is the devotion of all the faculties.Bovee.
Earth changes, but thy soul and God stand sure.Browning.
Earth felt the wound; and Nature from her seat, / Sighing through all her work, gave sign of woe / That all was lost.Milton.
Earth has scarcely an acre that does not remind us of actions that have long preceded our own, and its clustering tombstones loom up like reefs of the eternal shore, to show us where so many human barks have struck and gone down.Chapin.
Earth hath no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.Moore.
Earth hath nothing more tender than a woman’s heart when it is the abode of piety.Luther.
Earth is here (in Australia) so kind, just tickle her with a hoe and she laughs with a harvest.Douglas Jerrold.
Earthly pride is like a passing flower, that springs to fall and blossoms but to die.Kirke White.
Earth, sea, man, are all in each.Dante Gabriel Rossetti.
Earth, that’s Nature’s mother, is her tomb.Romeo and Juliet, ii. 3.
Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust, in sure and certain hope of the Resurrection.Buried Service.
Earth, turning from the sun, brings night to man.Young.
Earth with her thousand voices praises God.Coleridge.
Earth’s crammed with heaven, / And every common bush afire with God.Leigh.
Earth’s noblest thing, a woman perfected.Lowell.
Ease and honour are seldom bed-fellows.Scotch Proverb.
Ea sola voluptas / Solamenque mali—That was his sole delight and solace in his woe.Virgil.
East and west, home (hame) is best.English and Scotch Proverb.
Ea sub oculis posita negligimus; proximorum incuriosi, longinqua sectamur—We disregard the things which lie under our eyes; indifferent to what is close at hand, we inquire after things that are far away.Pliny.
Easy-crying widows take new husbands soonest; there’s nothing like wet weather for transplanting.Holmes.
Easy writing’s curst hard reading.Sheridan.
Eat at your own table as you would eat at the table of the king.Confucius.
Eat at your pleasure, drink in measure.Proverb.
Eating little and speaking little can never do harm.Proverb.
Eating the bitter bread of banishment.Richard II., iii. 1.
Eat in measure and defy the doctor.Scotch Proverb.
Eat to please thyself, but dress to please others.Ben. Franklin.
Eat-weel’s drink-weel’s brither.Scotch Proverb.
Eat what you like, but pocket nothing.Proverb.
Eau bénite de cour—False promises (lit. holy water of the court).French.
Eau sucrée—Sugared water.French.
Ebbe il migliore / De’ miei giorni la patria—The best of my days I devoted to my country.Italian.
E bello predicare il digiuno a corpo pieno—It is easy to preach fasting with a full belly.Italian Proverb.
Eben die ausgezeichnetsten Menschen bedürfen der Religion am meisten, weil sie die engen Grenzen unseres menschlichen Verstandes am liebhaftesten empfinden—It is just the most eminent men that need religion most, because they feel most keenly the narrow limits of our human understanding.Cötvös.
Eben wo Begriffe fehlen, / Da stellt ein Wort zur rechten Zeit sich ein—It is just where ideas fail that a word comes most opportunely to the rescue.Goethe.
E buon comprare quando un altro vuol vendere—It is well to buy when another wishes to sell.Italian Proverb.
Ecce homo—Behold the man!Pontius Pilate.
Ecce iterum Crispinus!—Another Crispinus, by Jove! (a profligate at the court of Domitian).Juvenal.
Eccentricity has always abounded when and where strength of character has abounded; and the amount of eccentricity in a society has been proportional to the amount of genius, mental vigour, and moral courage it contained. That so few now dare to be eccentric, marks the chief danger of the time.J. S. Mill.
Eccentricity is sometimes found connected with genius, but it does not coalesce with true wisdom.Jay.
Ecce signum—Here is the proof.
Eccovi l’uom ch’ è stato all’ Inferno—See, there’s the man that has been in hell.Italian. (Said of Dante by the people of Verona.)
Echoes we: listen! / We cannot stay, / As dewdrops glisten, / Then fade away.Shelley.
Echo is the voice of a reflection in a mirror.Hawthorne.
[Greek]—Hateful to me as the gates of Hades is he who conceals one thing in his mind and utters another.Homer.
[Greek]—An enemy’s gifts are no gifts.Sophocles.
Eclaircissement—The clearing up of a thing.French.
Eclat de rire—A burst of laughter.French.
E cœlo descendit [Greek]—From heaven came down the precept, “Know thyself.”Juvenal.
Economy does not consist in the reckless reduction of estimates; on the contrary, such a course almost necessarily tends to increased expenditure. There can be no economy where there is no efficiency.Disraeli.
Economy is an excellent lure to betray people into expense.Zimmermann.
Economy is half the battle of life; it is not so hard to earn money as to spend it.Spurgeon.
Economy is the parent of integrity, of liberty, and of ease, and the beauteous sister of temperance, of cheerfulness, and health.Johnson.
Economy no more means saving money than it means spending money. It means the administration of a house, its stewardship; spending or saving, that is, whether money or time, or anything else, to the best possible advantage.Ruskin.
E contra—On the other hand.
E contrario—On the contrary.
Ecorcher l’anguille par la queue—To begin at the wrong end (lit. to skin an eel from the tail).French.
Ecrasez l’infâme—Crush to pieces the abomination, i.e., superstition.Voltaire.
Edel ist, der eidel thut—Noble is that noble does.German Proverb.
Edel macht das Gemüth, nicht das Geblüt—It is the mind, not the blood, that ennobles.German Proverb.
Edel sei der Mensch / Hülfreich und gut / Denn das allein / Unterscheidet ihn / Von allen Wesen / Die wir kennen—Be man noble, helpful, and good; for that alone distinguishes him from all the beings we know.Goethe.
Edition de luxe—A splendid and expensive edition of a book.French.
Editiones expurgatæ—Editions with objectionable passages eliminated.
Editio princeps—The original edition.
Edo, ergo ego sum—I eat, therefore I am.Monkish Proverb.
Educated persons should share their thoughts with the uneducated, and take also a certain part in their labours.Ruskin.
Educate men without religion, and you make them but clever devils.Wellington.
Education alone can conduct us to that enjoyment which is at once best in quality and infinite in quantity.H. Mann.
Education begins its work with the first breath of the child.Jean Paul.
Education begins the gentleman, but reading, good company, and reflection must finish him.Locke.
Education commences at the mother’s knee, and every word spoken within the hearing of little children tends towards the formation of character.H. Ballou.
Education does not mean teaching people to know what they do not know; it means teaching them to behave as they do not behave.Ruskin.
Education gives fecundity of thought, copiousness of illustration, quickness, vigour, fancy, words, images, and illustrations; it decorates every common thing, and gives the power of trifling without being undignified and absurd.Sydney Smith.
Education, however indispensable in a cultivated age, produces nothing on the side of genius. Where education ends, genius often begins.Isaac Disraeli.
Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army.E. Everett.
Education is generally the worse in proportion to the wealth and grandeur of the parents.D. Swift.
Education is only like good culture; it changes the size, but not the sort.Ward Beecher.
Education is only second to nature.H. Bushnell.
Education is our only political safety. Outside of this ark all is deluge.H. Mann.
Education is the apprenticeship of life.Willmott.
Education is the constraining and directing of youth towards that right reason which the law affirms, and which the experience of the best of our elders has sanctioned as truly great.Plato.
Education is the only interest worthy the deep, controlling anxiety of the thoughtful man.Wendell Phillips.
Education is the leading human souls to what is best, and making what is best of them. The training which makes men happiest in themselves also makes them most serviceable to others.Ruskin.
Education may work wonders as well in warping the genius of individuals as in seconding it.A. B. Alcott.
Education of youth is not a bow for every man to shoot in that counts himself a teacher, but will require sinews almost equal to those which Homer gave Ulysses.Milton.
Education ought, as a first principle, to stimulate the will to activity.Zachariae.
Education should be as broad as man.Emerson.
Een diamant van eene dochter wordt een glas van eene vrouw—A diamond of a daughter becomes a glass of a wife.Dutch Proverb.
Een dief maakt gelegenheid—A thief makes opportunity.Dutch Proverb.
E’en from the tomb the voice of Nature cries, / E’en in our ashes live their wonted fires.Gray.
Een hond aan een been kent geene vrienden—A dog with a bone knows no friends.Dutch Proverb.
Een kleine pot wordt haast heet—A little pot becomes soon hot.Dutch Proverb.
Eenmaal is geen gewoonte—Once is no custom.Dutch Proverb.
Een once geduld is meer dan een pond verstand—One ounce of patience is worth more than a pound of brains.Dutch Proverb.
E’en though vanquished he could argue still.Goldsmith.
[Greek]—Happiness is theirs who are sufficient for themselves.Aristotle.
Effloresco—I flourish.Motto.
Effodiuntur opes, irritamenta malorum—Riches, the incentives to evil, are dug out of the earth.Ovid.
Efforts, to be permanently useful, must be uniformly joyous,—a spirit all sunshine,—graceful from very gladness,—beautiful because bright.Carlyle.
Effugit mortem, quisquis contempserit: timidissimum quemque consequitur—Whoso despises death escapes it, while it overtakes him who is afraid of it.Curtius.
E flamma cibum petere—To live by desperate means (lit. to seek food from the flames).Proverb.
Efter en god Avler kommer en god Oder—After an earner comes a waster.Danish Proverb.
Eftsoons they heard a most melodious sound.Spenser.
E fungis nati homines—Upstarts (lit. men born of mushrooms).
Egad! I think the interpreter is the hardest to be understood of the two.Sheridan.
[Greek]—It is only the character of a man, not his wealth, that is stable.Aristotle.
Egen Arne er Guld værd—A hearth of one’s own is worth gold.Danish Proverb.
Eggs and oaths are easily broken.Danish Proverb.
Eggs of an hour, bread of a day, wine of a year, but a friend of thirty years is best.Italian Proverb.
[Greek]—Be security, and mischief is nigh.Thales.
Egli ha fatto il male, ed io mi porto la pena—He has done the mischief, and I pay the penalty.Italian Proverb.
Egli vende l’uccello in su la frasca—He sells the bird on the branch.Italian Proverb.
Egli venderebbe sino alla sua parte del sole—He would sell even his share in the sun.Italian Proverb.
[Greek]—My tongue has sworn, but my mind is unsworn.Euripides.
Ego apros occido, alter fruitur pulpamento—I kill the boars, another enjoys their flesh.Proverb.
Ego de caseo loquor, tu de creta respondes—while I talk to you of cheese, you talk to me of chalk.Erasmus.
Ego ero post principia—I will get out of harm’s way (lit. I will keep behind the first rank).Terence.
Ego et rex meus—I and my king.Cardinal Wolsey.
Ego hoc feci—That was my doing.
Egoism is the source and summary of all faults and miseries whatsoever.Carlyle.
Ego meorum solus sum meus—I am myself the only friend I have.Terence.
Ego nec studium sine divite vena, / Nec rude quid prosit video ingenium—I see not what good can come from study without a rich vein of genius, or from genius untrained by art.Horace.
Ego primam tollo, nominor quoniam Leo—I carry off the first share because my name is Lion.Phædrus in the fable of the lion a-hunting with weaker companions.
Ego, si bonam famam mihi servasso, sat ero dives—If I keep my good character, I shall be rich enough.Plautus.
Ego spem pretio non emo—I do not purchase hope with money, i.e., I do not spend my resources upon vain hopes.Terence.
Ego sum, ergo omnia sunt—I am, and therefore all things are.
Ego sum rex Romanus et supra grammaticam—I am king of the Romans, and above grammar.The Emperor Sigismund at the Council of Constance.
Egotism erects its centre in itself; love places it out of itself in the axis of the universal whole.Schiller.
Egotism is the tongue of vanity.Chamfort.
Egotists are the pest of society.Emerson.
Egotists cannot converse; they talk to themselves only.A. B. Alcott.
Egregii mortalem, altique silenti—A being of extraordinary and profound silence.Horace.
Eher schätzet man das Gute / Nicht, als bis man es verlor—We do not learn to value our blessings till we have lost them.Herder.
Ehestand, Wehestand—State of wedlock, state of sorrow.German Proverb.
Eheu! fugaces, Posthume, Posthume, / Labuntur anni, nec pietas moram / Rugis et instanti senectæ / Afferet, indomitæque morti—Alas! Posthumus, our years glide fleetly away, nor can piety stay wrinkles and advancing age and unvanquished death.Horace.
Eheu! quam brevibus pereunt ingentia causis!—Alas! what trifling causes often wreck the vastest enterprises.Claudian.
Ehren und Leben / Kann Niemand zurück geben—No man can give back honour and life.German Proverb.
Ehret die Frauen! Sie flechten und weben / Himmlische Rosen ins irdische Leben—Honour to the women! they plait and weave roses of heaven for the life of earth.Schiller.
Ehret die Frauen! Sie stricken und weben / Wollene Strümpfe fürs frostige Leben—Honour to the women! they knit and weave worsted stockings for our frosty life.Volkswitz.
Ehrlich währt am längsten—Honesty lasts longest.German Proverb.
[Greek]—If any man hopes that his deeds will pass unobserved by the Deity, he is mistaken.Pindar.
Eident (diligent) youth makes easy age.Scotch Proverb.
Eifersucht ist eine Leidenschaft, die mit Eifer sucht was Leiden schafft—Jealousy is a passion which seeks with zeal what yields only misery.Schleiermacher.
Eigenliebe macht die Augen trübe—Self-love clouds the eyes.German Proverb.
“Ei ist Ei,” sagte der Küster, aber er nahm das Gans Ei—“An egg is an egg,” said the sexton, but he took the goose-egg.German Proverb.
Eild and poortith are ill to thole—i.e., age and poverty are hard to bear.Scotch Proverb.
Eild should hae honour—i.e., old people should.Scotch Proverb.
Eile mit Weile—Haste with leisure.German Proverb.
Ein alter Fuchs läuft nicht zum zweiten Mal in’s Garn—An old fox does not run into the snare a second time.German Proverb.
Ein Arzt darf auch dem Feind sich nicht entziehen—A physician may not turn his back even on an enemy.Gutzkow.
Ein Augenblick, gelebt im Paradiese, / Wird nicht zu theuer mit dem Tod gebüsst—A moment lived in paradise is not purchased too dearly at the ransom of death.Schiller.
Einbildungskraft wird nur durch Kunst, besonders durch Poesie geregelt. Es ist nichts fürchterlicher als Einbildungskraft ohne Geschmack—Power of imagination is regulated only by art, especially by poetry. There is nothing more frightful than imaginative faculty without taste.Goethe.
Einbläsereien sind der Teufels Redekunst—Insinuations are the devil’s rhetoric.Goethe.
Ein Diadem erkämpfen ist gross; es wegwerfen ist göttlich—To gain a crown by fighting for it is great; to reject it is divine.Schiller.
Ein Ding ist nicht bös, wenn man es gut versteht—A thing is not bad if we understand it well.German Proverb.
Eine Bresche ist jeder Tag, / Die viele Menschen erstürmen; / Wer da auch fallen mag, / Die Todten sich niemals thürmen—Every day is a rampart breach which many men are storming; fall in it who may, no pile is forming of the slain.Goethe.
Ein edler Mann wird durch ein gutes Wort / Der Frauen weit geführt—A noble man is led a long way by a good word from women.Goethe.
Ein edler Mensch zieht edle Menschen an / Und weiss sie fest zu halten—A noble man attracts noble men, and knows how to hold them fast.Goethe.
Ein edles Beispiel macht die schweren Thaten leicht—A noble example makes difficult enterprises easy.Goethe.
Eine grosse Epoche hat das Jahrhundert geboren; / Aber der grosse Moment findet ein kleines Geschlecht—The century has given birth to a great epoch, but it is a small race the great moment appeals to.Schiller.
Eine Hälfte der Welt verlacht die andere—One half of the world laughs at the other half.German Proverb.
Eine Handvoll Gewalt ist besser als Sackvoll Recht—A handful of might is better than a sackful of right.German Proverb.
Ein eigen Herd, ein braves Weib, sind Gold und Perlen werth—A hearth of one’s own and a good wife are as good as gold and pearls.German Proverb.
Einen Wahn verlieren macht weiser als eine Wahrheit finden—Getting rid of a delusion makes us wiser than getting hold of a truth.Börne.
Einer kann redet und Sieben können singen—One can speak and seven can sing.German Proverb.
Einer neuen Wahrheit nichts ist schädlicher als ein alter Irrtum—Nothing is more harmful to a new truth than an old error.Goethe.
Eine Rose gebrochen, ehe der Sturm sie entblättert—A rose broken ere the storm stripped its petals.Lessing.
Eine schöne Menschenseele finden / Ist Gewinn—It is a true gain to find a beautiful human soul.Herder.
Ein Esel schimpft den andern Langohr—One ass nicknames another Longears.German Proverb.
Eines schickt sich nicht für Alle! / Sehe jeder wie er’s treibe, / Sehe jeder wo er bleibe, / Und wer steht, dass er nicht falle—One thing does not suit every one; let each man see how he gets on, where his limits are; and let him that standeth take heed lest he fall.Goethe.
Ein Feind ist zu viel, und hundert Freunde sind zu wenig—One foe is too many, a hundred friends are too few.German Proverb.
Ein fester Blick, ein hoher Mut, / Die sind zu allen Zeiten gut—A steady eye and a lofty mind are at all times good.Bechstein.
Ein geistreich aufgeschlossenes Wort / Wirkt auf die Ewigkeit.—The influence of a spiritually elucidated (or embodied) word is eternal.Goethe.
Eingestandene Uebereilung ist oft lehrreicher, als kalte überdachte Unfehlbarkeit—A confessed precipitancy is often more instructive than a coldly considered certainty.Lessing.
Ein Gift, welches nicht gleich wirkt, ist darum kein minder gefährliches Gift—A poison which does not take immediate effect is therefore none the less a dangerous poison.Lessing.
Ein Gott ist, ein heiliger Wille lebt, / Wie auch der menschliche wanke; / Hoch über der Zeit und dem Raume webt / Lebendig der höchste Gedanke—A god is, a holy will lives, however man’s will may waver; high over all time and space the highest thought weaves itself everywhere into life’s web.Schiller.
Ein grosser Fehler; dass man sich mehr dünkt als man ist, und sich weniger schätzt, als man werth ist—It is a great mistake for people to think themselves more than they are, and to value themselves less than they are worth.Goethe.
Ein Herz das sich mit Sorgen quält / Hat selten frohe Stunden—A heart which tortures itself with care has seldom hours of gladness.Old German Song.
Ein jeder ist sich selbst der grösste Feind—Every one is his own greatest enemy.Schefer.
Ein jeder lebt’s, nicht vielen ist’s bekannt—Though every one lives it (life), it is not to many that it is known.Goethe.
Ein jeder lernet nur, was er lerneu kann; / Doch der den Augenblick ergreift, / Das ist der rechte Mann—Each one learns only what he can; yet he who seizes the passing moment is the proper man.Goethe.
Ein jeder Wechsel schreckt den Glücklichen—Every change is a cause of uneasiness to the favoured of fortune.Schiller.
Ein Komödiant könnt’ einen Pfarren lehren—A playactor might instruct a parson.Goethe.
Ein Kranz ist gar viel leichter binden / Als ihm ein würdig Haupt zu finden—It is very much easier to bind a wreath than to find a head worthy to wear it.Goethe.
Ein langes Hoffen ist süsser, als ein kurzes Ueberraschen—A long hope is sweeter than a short surprise.Jean Paul.
Ein leerer Sack steht nicht aufrecht—An empty sack does not stand upright.German Proverb.
Ein mächtiger Vermittler ist der Tod—Death is a powerful reconciler.Schiller.
Einmal gerettet, ist’s für tausend Male—To be saved once is to be saved a thousand times.Goethe.
Ein Mann der recht zu wirken denkt / Muss auf das beste Werkzeng halten—A man who intends to work rightly must select the most effective instrument.Goethe.
Ein Mann, ein Wort; ein Wort, ein Mann—A man, a word; a word, a man.German Proverb.
Ein Mensch ohne Verstand ist auch ein Mensch ohne Wille—A man without understanding is also a man without will or purpose.Feuerbach.
Ein Mühlstein wird nicht moosig—A millstone does not become covered with moss.German Proverb.
Ein niedrer Sinn ist stolz im Glück im Leid bescheiden; / Bescheiden ist im Glück ein edler, stolz im Leiden—A vulgar mind is proud in prosperity and humble in adversity; a noble mind is humble in prosperity and proud in adversity.Rückert.
Ein “Nimm hin” ist besser als zehn “Helf Gott”—One “Take this” is better than ten of “God help you.”German Proverb.
Ein offenes Herz zeigt eine offene Stirn—An open brow shows an open heart.Schiller.
Ein Pfennig mit Recht ist besser denn tausend mit Unrecht—A penny by right is better than a thousand by wrong.German Proverb.
Ein Schauspiel für Götter, / Zwei Liebende zu sehn!—To witness two lovers is a spectacle for gods.Goethe.
Ein Theil bin ich von jener Kraft, / Die stets das Böse will und stets das Gute schafft—I am a part of that power which continually wills the evil and continually creates the good.Mephistopheles, in “Faust.”
Ein Titel muss sie erst vertraulich machen—A degree is the first thing necessary to bespeak confidence in your profession.Goethe, in “Faust.”
Ein Tropfen Hass, der in dem Freudenbecher / Zurückbleibt, macht den Segensdrank zum Gifte—A drop of hate that is left in the cup of joy converts the blissful draught into poison.Schiller.
Ein unterrichtetes Volk lässt sich leicht regieren—An educated people can be easily governed.Frederick the Great.
Ein üppig lastervolles Leben büsst sich / In Mangel und Erniedrigung allem—Only in want and degradation can a life of sensual profligacy be atoned for.Schiller.
Ein Vater ernährt eher zehn Kinder, denn zehn Kinder einen Vater—One father supports ten children sooner than ten children one father.German Proverb.
Ein Vergnügen erwarten ist auch ein Vergnügen—To look forward to a pleasure is also a pleasure.Lessing.
Ein Volk ohne Gesetze gleicht einem Menschen ohne Grundsätze—A people without laws is like a man without principle.Zachariae.
Ein vollkommener Widerspruch / Bleibt gleich geheimnissvoll für Kluge wie für Thoren—A flat contradiction is ever equally mysterious to wise folks as to fools.Goethe.
Ein Wahn der mich beglückt, / Ist eine Wahrheit wert die mich zu Boden drückt—An illusion which gladdens me is worth a truth which saddens me (lit. presses me to the ground).Wieland.
Ein wandernd Leben / Gefällt der freien Dichterbrust—A wandering life delights the free heart of the poet.Arion.
Ein wenig zu spät ist viel zu spät—A little too late is much too late.German Proverb.
Ein Wörtlein kann ihn fallen—A little word can slay him.Luther, of the Pope.
Ein Wort nimmt sich, ein Leben nie zurück—A word may be recalled, a life never.Schiller.
[Greek]—One man is no man.Greek Proverb.
Either sex alone is half itself.Tennyson.
Eith (quickly) learned, soon forgotten.Scotch Proverb.
[Greek]—If you would have anything good, seek for it from yourself.Arrian.
Ejusdem farinæ—Of the same kidney (lit. meal).
Ejusdem generis—Of the same kind.
El agujero llama al ladron—The hole tempts the thief.Spanish Proverb.
El amor verdadero no sufre cosa encubierta—True love suffers no concealment.Spanish Proverb.
Elati animi comprimendi sunt—Minds which are too much elated ought to be kept in check.
El corazon manda les carnes—The heart bears up the body.Spanish Proverb.
El corazon no es traidor—The heart is no traitor.Spanish Proverb.