
person centred risk

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Person Centred Risk Every opportunity contains risks – a life without risk is a life without opportunities, often without quality and without change. Traditional methods of risk assessment are full of charts and scoring systems, but the person, their objectives, dreams and life seem to get lost somewhere in the pages of tick boxes and statistics. A person centred approach seeks to focus on people 's rights to have the lifestyle that they chose, including the right to make 'bad ' decisions. The approach described here uses person centred thinking tools, to help people and those who care about them most think in a positive and productive way about how to ensure that they can achieve the changes they want to see while keeping the …show more content…

What is 'Risk '? The experience of many people who have to rely on human services for their support is that 'risk ' is the reason given to them by services why they cannot do the things that other people are doing every day. When we delve into the word 'risk ', we find that it has a multitude of meanings, and that it is nowhere near as clear and precise as the advocates of traditional risk assessment assert, for example Hansson (2002) identifies five different common uses for the word risk, and Ekberg points out a "proliferation of risk definitions" and a whole range of different understandings of risk (2007 p345). Risk literature often separates 'risk ' from 'uncertainty ', defining the risk as a measurable probability that something will happen, however, even where experts claim they can give an exact probability value to a risk, there is always a possibility that the experts may be wrong (Hansson 2002 p4). In common usage the words 'risk ' and 'uncertainty ' are often synonymous (Lupton 1999 p9) Risk is sometimes used as a verb: a person 'risks ' doing something, and sometimes a noun: a person is labelled as being a 'risk to society '. The drive for a single definition of 'Risk ' has been described as "a futile form of linguistic imperialism" (Hansson 2000 p3), he argues that risk in it 's popular usage is just as valid as the narrow technical values attached to the term, as

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