
narrative essay

Decent Essays

Narrative Essay
A Brief Guide to Writing Narrative Essays
Narrative writing tells a story. In essays the narrative writing could also be considered reflection or an exploration of the author 's values told as a story. The author may remember his or her past, or a memorable person or event from that past, or even observe the present.
When you 're writing a narrative essay, loosen up. After all, you 're basically just telling a story to someone, something you probably do every day in casual conversation. Use first person and talk it through first. You might even want to either tape record your story as if you were telling it to someone for the first time or actually tell it to a friend.
Once you get the basic story down, then you …show more content…

First steps for writing a narrative essay:
1. Identify the experience that you want to write about.
2. Think about why the experience is significant.
3. Spend a good deal of time drafting your recollections about the details of the experience. 4. Create an outline of the basic parts of your narrative.

Writing about the experience:
Using your outline, describe each part of your narrative.
Rather than telling your readers what happened, use vivid details and descriptions to actually recreate the experience for your readers.
Think like your readers. Try to remember that the information you present is the only information your readers have about the experiences.
Always keep in mind that all of the small and seemingly unimportant details known to you are not necessarily known to your readers.

Communicating the significance of the experience:
It 's often effective to begin your narrative with a paragraph that introduces the experience and communicates the significance. This technique guarantees that your readers will understand the significance of the experience as they progress through the narrative.

Another effective technique is to begin the essay by jumping directly into the narrative and then ending the essay with a paragraph communicating the significance of the experience. This approach allows your readers to develop their own understanding of the experience through the body of the

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