
Yann Martel's Life Of Pi

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Beliefs that an individual or society hold can become a moral code, one to judge actions on and to adhere to. In this way, beliefs become actions. People behave in such a way that their beliefs are brought clearly to light. An individual’s belief shapes not only their behavior, but their intrapersonal thoughts and feelings as well. A belief becomes a pillar that holds up all consequent behavioral aspects of an individual. Yann Martel shows that he believes that a person’s belief are sacred in his book Life Of Pi. He also shows a strong opinion that an individual’s belief direct the way in which that individual will behave through the characters he brings to life. Martel demonstrates multiple times that a belief can become a saving grace. …show more content…

Pi sees God as so prominent and indescribable that He cannot be restricted to only one religion, only one narrow minded approach to an All-Present-Being that Pi regards as perfect and extraordinary. It is this amazing and wonder filled view that gives Pi the strength to cling to the realm of men. He continues to praise God and practice his religions while enduring a morally …show more content…

(263) It is his belief in God that keeps him grounded and gives him the will to live. His belief is also what grants him hope and faith and the ability to see past the darkness and despair of his situation. This factor of his strong belief in God comes into focus in great detail when Pi and Richard Parker are confronted by a large lightning storm. White rods of magnificent proportions come crashing down into the deep and capricious waves. Pi is in a state of wonder. “ I was dazed… “Praise be to Allah, Lord of All Worlds, the Compassionate, the Merciful, Ruler of Judgment Day!” … “This is an outbreak of divinity. This is.. this is..” I could not find what it was, this thing so vast and fantastic. I was breathless and wordless” (294-5). Pi’s powerful belief in God turned a bone-chilling event into something so beautiful and wondrous that he had no words to describe the phenomenon. Before, after and throughout his journey across the ocean, Pi falls back time and time again on God. He has faith and does his best to trust in the God he has come to know as truth. As Pi explores the theological field of study with his deep love of God, he experiences multiple times, and in many different circumstances, the

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