
Written On The Banks Of The Arun By William Wordsworth Summary

Decent Essays

The hustle and bustle of modern day prevents people from truly contemplating the meanings of their life. People nowadays have little time to become one with nature and detach themselves from technology. Two poets who captured the beauty of connecting with nature are Charlotte Smith and William Wordsworth. Smith in her piece “Written on the Banks of the Arun” describes in a cold and melancholy manner what she experiences near the Arun bank. Meanwhile, Wordsworth in his piece “Lines Composed a Few Miles above Tintern Abbey” describes in a peaceful tone his feelings while sitting near the Banks of the Wye. Both Smith and Wordsworth pieces contain similar underlying meaning, symbolism, imagery, and setting.
First, the intention of Smith and Wordsworth are to emphasize the beauty of nature and the pleasantness one feels when secluding themselves in the arms of Mother Nature. The natural scenery give Smith comfort since she expresses that it allows her to be alone and simply contemplate life. The bank of Arun in a sense is her safe haven because it permits her with the calming rise and fall of the waves to also release unwanted thought and welcome new thoughts. Smith emphasizes her enjoyment of the solitude she experiences when surround by nature. Similarly, Wordsworth explains that the only thing keeping him sane while enclosed in the busy city was the memories of the landscape. Nature has transformed his way of thought and has made him realize that it nature is connected to

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