
Would You Like To Hear A Story : A Short Story

Decent Essays

“Would you like to hear a story?”
“Granny, I’m too old for that.”
“My child, you're never too old for a good story.” The girl squeamishly crawled into bed, knowing she wouldn’t win this battle. A harsh wind wales outside, whipping the fallen snow into devil whirls. “What kind though? Perhaps A tale of the frost witch? Asked her grandmother.
“No, not her.” “what about a story of Bjorn.” The girl agreed and the old woman grinned. “Ah, there are so many to choose from. My grandmother used to tell me of the time Bjorn protected our village from a great wyvern! Or once, this was ages ago, mind, he raced down a river of magma! Or…” She paused and shook her head. “No, none of those will do. Wait, have i told you how Bjorn got his shield?” The girl shook her head. The hearth embers snapped, its warmth holding off the night’s chill. “Well, in the mountains above our village lives the man we call Bjorn. He mostly stays up at his farm, tending to his sheep and goats, but he is the most gracious man anyone has ever met, he always has a smile on his face and a laugh on his lips.” “now , one day, something dreadful happened. A young village boy around your age was ascending the mountain and stumbled upon a colossal stone door with an ice crystal at its center. When he pushed the door open, he couldn’t believe his very eyes. Beyond was a vault filled with every kind of treasure imaginable! What he didn’t know was that the vault was a trap. The frost witch had cursed it, and as

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