
Women In Streetcar Named Desire

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During the early mid-20th century, women remained in a lower standing than men. Due to the unequal roles this led to unequal treatment and domestic abuse since men have more power and influence over women. Men have the dominant role in society since women were seen as the ones to take care of the children and house while men worked. Men even had more say in a marriage then women and it was easy for men to divorce than women. In cases where domestic abuse happens it was seen as a man exerting dominance over a woman and when alcohol is involved then it made the abuse worse. This is shown in Streetcar named desire which the men do what they want by often going to bars to drink alcohol or play poker and retaliate if women tried to stop them. In …show more content…

There is a sentence where in the scene three of the play Stella says “I want to go away, I want to go away!” (Williams, 58) What Stella says could perceive the meaning as how she wants to get away, but she can’t even though she is hit by Stanley. Stella is restricted by what she can do because she has to rely on Stanley who has a job. Women reliance on men was the same in early mid-20th century since women were supposed to stay at home while the men worked. William touches on these topics of gender inequality and domestic abuse in the play using subtle or obvious ways in dialogue or described scenes of action. The topic of domestic abuse is shown again in scene five where Steve and Eunice are having a fight. It starts with Eunice saying “I heard about you and that blonde…I seen you chasing her ‘round the balcony… you hit me! I’m going to call the police!” (Williams, 75) then Stanley says to Stella and Blanche in response to Stella’s question of Eunice calling the police “Naw. She’s getting’ a drink” (Williams, 75). Stanley’s reply to Stella’s question proves how women can’t do much against men from committing domestic abuse and they would have to find a way to cope with the abuse. The issues in the fifties are left undealt with and are not touched upon. The reason is the fifties were a time of celebration after WWII and society was experiencing a rise in entertainment and other distractions. This meant that people were distracted from the issues underneath the cheerful environment and society did not want to think about such things in the positive mood that was going

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