
Essay Woman on the Edge of Time

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Connie, the heroine of the book Woman on the Edge of Time by Marge Piercy, is put in a mental institution, once for abusing her child, and again for attacking a pimp, trying to save her niece. She appears completely sane though, until she starts seeing visions of people living in the future who claim to have contacted her because she is "receptive" to them. The question is, is Connie sane and her trip to the future is reality, or is she insane and just hallucinating? Although the book offers no easy answer to this question, there are enough reasons that prove her sanity. Connie appears sane because she seems to be able to think straight and make the right decisions. For example, trying to save her niece from the pimp shows that she has …show more content…

The cruelty of the medical system treats her and her inmates as subhumans or guinea pigs. In conclusion, Connie is not crazy; she is just a woman who is struggling to fight the insanity of the society. Connie's race and social economic class greatly affects how she is treated in the society and in the mental institute. She is especially treated with incredible brutality because she is a Chicana with no money. When Connie is brought to the hospital, the nurses looks at her with "disgust (Piercy 12)" and "boredom(12)," as they completely ignore every word she says and treat her "like a dog (13)." They complain about how filthy Connie looks, judge her based on her appearance, and conclude that she has been "sleeping in the street, in doorways (13)" and never washes herself. If Connie was a rich white woman, would they have treated her the same way? It is clear that Connie is looked down upon as a Latina. Connie compares herself with white, rich women, such as her welfare worker Mrs. Polcari. Connie cannot help but envy those women who "went on through college and got the clean jobs and married professional men and lived in houses filled with machines and lapped by grass (Piercy 27). " She also hears a social worker making a racist comment about Puerto Ricans, "or 'them' as they were popularly called in that clinic (as were her people in similar

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