
Why Should Cell Phones Not Be Allowed In School

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I think that cell phone shouldn’t be allowed in school because it is a distraction to students, because kids are texting in school without permission, and it will be too much technology for students home and at school. One reasons cell phones shouldn't be allowed in school is because it is a distraction. For example, kids are paying more attention to their cell phone than what the teacher is teaching. This means that is kids are too addicted to it, why don’t the school ban cellphones? Also, kids might cheat while having phones during test. Another example is that when you are too addicted to cellphones, that they had to hide it and bring it to school and go on social media and chat with their friends. This explains kids should “get away” …show more content…

For example” the Kaiser Family Foundation found that total media exposure per day for young people ages 13 through 18 increase from 7 hours and 29 minutes in 1999 to 10 hours and 45 minutes in 2009.” this shows me that students increase screen time for about three hours in 10 years. This is a lot of screen time to increase and it will be bad for the kids health. Another example is that “ 84% of the cell phone owning 13 to 17 years old at College sleep with their cell phone next to them and it is a “ fairly common practice”For that group to sleep with the cell phone under their pillow so that a caller text will awaken them.” This explains that sleeping with their cell phone next to them will probably” ruin” their sleeping time. I think that it will really affect their health because their sleep time will be less because they can be “distracted” while sleeping. In addition,” out of a class of 25 only one or two so value shutting everything off and focus completely on their work.” This means that a lot of student are allowed from their pants school to basically have exit screen time in school and it will” hurt” their own body. I think parents and school should knowing about health and banned it from

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