
Why Kids Turn to Drugs

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Why Kids Turn to Drugs There is no simple answer to why a young person might begin using alcohol or other drugs. Many times, it is a combination of several factors, including society, family and peers. They may turn to drugs to escape stress or loneliness or to overcome shyness in social situations. They may want to be seen as grown up or as a risk taker. Or, they may simply be curious. Teens often want to be like their role models as well. So, if their favorite music group, older sibling, parents or a "cool" peer at school uses drugs or alcohol, they may also use drugs or alcohol to emulate their role model(s). Adolescence is often a time of low self-esteem, which can develop as a result of not being able to grow and change as quickly …show more content…

It is accessible and seems harmless. It's a chance to take some risks and rebel, a rite of passage. It's a way to feel good. Eventually, for some people, use becomes a frequent part of social outings. Reasons for using are now different than before and use continues despite negative consequences. It becomes a way to: Relax and even to decrease inhibitions. Enhance good feelings and escape bad ones. Cope with stress and personal/family problems. Adolescence is a period of great change. Young people experience a dramatic transformation: they change schools, their bodies change, their relationships with friends and family change, and their needs and desires change. This can be exciting as well as stressful and emotional. The teen years are also a time of making decisions and of discovering one's own values and beliefs around a variety of issues, including health and lifestyle choices. Friends and other outside sources can also influence decisions. The decision to use drugs is therefore influenced by the interaction of many different individual and environmental factors. Unfortunately, many mixed messages surround these issues, and can create a lot of confusion as to what is acceptable and what is not! For example, tobacco and alcohol advertising encourages young people to smoke and drink. A double standard also persists that somehow use is okay when you are older but not okay when you are younger. And alcohol, tobacco and other drugs are

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