
Why Is Being Literate Important To You?

Satisfactory Essays Short Answer In 3-5 sentences please answer ONE of the following: Why is being financially literate important to you? -OR- Over 5,000 hours of high school yet balancing a checkbook, saving for retirement, and how to do taxes did not come up once. That is likely why Time Magazine reports 2 out of 3 people do not know how much money they need to retire, tax preparation is a $9 billion industry, and why financial literacy is more important than ever. Personally financial literacy is important because it allows me to take control of my finances rather than entrusting them to someone else. It allows me to understand, for example, retirement, so I can plan for it rather than hoping everything turns out …show more content…

-OR- What's one way you've expressed your political views? Unfortunately teens and young adults are generally seen to have less to contribute to society, but that does not suppress our voice. This summer I have been going house to house with Environment Michigan, a group currently trying to stop the use of neonicotinoids in pesticides, collecting signatures for petitions and obtaining donations to show the politicians who represent us what we believe. Despite the lack of responses to my letters, and the endless voicemails and “can I put you on hold”, it is imperative that we express our political views. Nobody is going to express them for us and with our silence the people we’ve chosen to represent us will not know why we chose them. "What do you hope to gain or learn by studying abroad?" Studying Abroad will give me the opportunity to study in a foreign nation and take in the allure and the culture of a new land, learning about my major in a different context as well as learning another nation's culture and

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