
Why I Want To Pursue A Bachelor's Degree In Sociology

Decent Essays

Currently, I just finished my first year of my studies at University of Toronto, Mississauga. During my first year, I have found myself most interested in Sociology (especially in inequality and social movement topics) and English (because I love exercising my reading and writing skills). I graduated from Philip Pocock CSS in 2014 with top honours as an Ontario Scholar, and with Proficiency Awards in Canadian and International Law, English, and Philosophy, as well as with an Extended French Certificate. I am of Polish descent, I speak English, Polish, and French, and I identify as queer. I am a feminist in the purest definition of the word, in that I believe in "the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men" (Oxford English …show more content…

Most of my past volunteer experiences took place in a high school environment, where I had the opportunity to participate in events such as helping to: plan and execute the assembly of an outdoor classroom, prepare food and make beds for homeless individuals, and gather gifts and make cards for sick children in hospitals. I also am currently a part of the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Peel's in-school mentoring program, where I have the pleasure of being a mentor to a ten year old girl. My volunteer experiences have taught me how to co-ordinate with teachers, peers, school administrators, and organizational officials. Also, because I have a mentally and physically disabled cousin, I have experience in dealing with special-needs youth; these experiences have taught me the many challenges such youth face, and how to be prepared for and how to deal with unexpected situations. I am comfortable with engaging with diverse groups of people, being vocal about social inequality, and taking the lead to make a

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