
Why I Want To Become A Nurse

Decent Essays

Many students change his or her career path and life goals several times in college, but I have a firm understanding and motivation regarding my career and expectations of myself that I intend to accomplish. My primary education goal is to complete the B.S.N. program at James Madison University. I am currently a freshman and have a long education career ahead of me, but I am up for the challenge. I chose to become a nurse because it will be my way of serving the community wherever I decide to settle. I have come to respect nurses and their important roles in the world through personal experiences. The most challenging situation I have faced in my short life is when my father was diagnosed with cancer for a second time. As a result, I was able to decide on my future career as a nurse, making it my primary …show more content…

Even though his second cancer was completely different then the first, the process of shock and fear does not change. He went through lung surgery April of 2014 and stayed in the hospital for two weeks. During that time my mom, sister, and I would visit him daily. I began to watch and take notice of the nurses and their jobs. I want to have a greater responsibility in life that is beneficial to others. Currently, I believe I want to specialize in the nursing field and become an intensive care nurse and obtain a chronic illness minor. Yes, I will get paid for my job, yet becoming a nurse feels like the best way to fulfill my happiness in life as well as those I will be able to help in the ICU. My major long term goal after I graduate would to either go back home or stay in Harrisonburg and work in the ICU of a hospital. I would also like to buy a house and maybe start a family. Giving to others makes me happy and if I can do this everyday in return for my work I will achieve something greater than words can explain. My academic goals are the key to my future happiness and career in

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