
Why I Am A Brilliant Entrepreneur

Decent Essays

Following the previous eight chapters, you are armed with the tools that you need to become a brilliant entrepreneur. Just in case you have some trepidation concerning what you can achieve, here are some tips that will get you through your first year with ease. 1. Just because you have a good idea does not mean that it will translate into a success financially. To monetize your dream, you need to do extensive planning, have patience, and take the necessary steps to bring this dream to life. It may not be easy, but it will definitely be worth it. 2. Remember that the customer is king, and also an excellent source of information. If you want to find out what is happening in the market, talk to your customer. This also stands for determining …show more content…

Ensure that you are in a place where the human resource is available so that you can work with skilled staff. 5. Understand where you are obtaining funding from and how much. If you have an external investor, there is always the risk that they could back away from your investment opportunity without giving and notice or reason for their actions. Have a nest egg of savings in place, which will help you survive the rough times in case your funding does not come through. 6. One of the best ways to make a profit is to ensure that you cut down on all of your expenses. This means that whenever possible, you should do the work yourself, even if this means that you pick up a broom to clear your office. Entrepreneurship is not about pride, it is about making practical decisions. 7. Always follow up with your customers to ensure they are satisfied. When working towards monetizing your dream, it becomes easier once you have developed a loyal following. If your customer feels appreciated, then they are more likely to keep coming back to purchase your products or services, which is excellent news for your bottom line. 8. Everyone that is on your team needs to be on the same page, and working towards the same goal. If there is any member of staff who is questionable and appears to have a negative attitude, let them go the moment you notice it. This type of attitude can spread through your venture like a virus, which will

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