
Why Do You Thankful To You Essay

Decent Essays

We all say thank you everyday in life, either it's because someone held the door open for you or shared their piece cookie with you. We say it because we appreciate them putting us before them. It shows someone cares and someone is willing to be late for work by letting me come into the lane during rush hour. Thanksgiving is great for that reason. I get to hear about how much I mean to someone or many people by the simples things I do daily but to them it means the world. Its countless the amount of things i'm thankful for, knowing someone out there is wanting the things i have and my life to them is a fairy tale. There is many people out there in the world who on this very day dont have a great home cooked meal like i do or even loved ones to share it with makes me thankful and sad at the same time. I'm not gonna lie sometimes i'm not always thankful every minute of the day like i should be but that's something i'm improving and the people i'm glad to have in my life know they mean the world to me. …show more content…

He works hours and hours daily just so i can get what i need or want in life. Just the little things he does mean the most to me. Him taking the time to drive me to school in the morning so i dont freeze waiting for the bus makes me thankful to have someone who cares about me and my fingers during winter. He is my biggest motivation in life due to him telling me how i should always put in effort when it comes to school or anything. How proud he is of me and how proud he will be when i become someone who matters in this world and is successful. Realizing i have someone who will always be there when i need support and is gonna be there to celebrate with me is something i'm thankful

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