
Who Is Responsible For Gatsby's Death

Decent Essays

Is Tom most responsible for Gatsby's death? Daisy? Myrtle? Gatsby himself? Give reasons why or why not each character is implicated in the murder. Gatsby was murdered by Wilson, because he thought that Gatsby was the one that hit his wife and killed her. Tom is a main contributor to Gatsby’s death because Myrtle was his mistress. Tom was the one that suggested he drive Gatsby’s car to town with Jordan and Nick. Myrtle saw them that day and Nick noticed “her eyes, [which became] wide with jealous terror were fixed not on Tom, but on Jordan Baker, whom she took to be his wife” (125). On the way back home, Gatsby and Daisy were driving the yellow car, which was the car that Tom was driving earlier. Myrtle ran out in front of the car as if “she wanted to speak to [them], [thinking they] were somebody she knew” (143). She ran thinking that it was Tom and that he would stop but, it wasn’t. Myrtle was the one murdered in the accident with the car. She is somewhat responsible because she ran out in front of the car, however, she was just trying to get their attention. So therefore I don't really think we can blame Myrtle because she wasn't asking to be hit. It was an accident. One of the reasons that Daisy is responsible for Gatsby’s death is because she …show more content…

Also, they both fell in love with people that were higher up in society and they both died trying to pursue what they wanted. Gatsby fell in love with Daisy, although she wouldn't marry him because she wanted someone who had money he had nothing. He thought to earn Daisy’s love he had to become rich, so he got into an illegal-strode business and he “bought up a lot of side-street drug-stores…in Chicago and sold grain alcohol over the counter…”(133). “Gatsby bought [a] house so that Daisy would be across the bay” (78). He threw huge parties “[expecting] her to wander into one of his parties some night”

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