
On Being Different Summary

Satisfactory Essays

Article 1:
Kottak, Conrad Phillip and Kayhryn Kozaitis 2012 On Being Different, Diversity and Multiculturalism in the North American Mainstream, 4th edition, McGraw Hill Press, New York: Chapter 8. (textbook)
Central Theme:
The Central Theme of chapter Eight from On Being Different is about people looking different on the outside, from the way someone looks we develop an idea of what we believe they are like.
What was the article about?:
Races are separated into categories, some are of higher standings then others, and some are believed to be better than others. The idea of race is believed to be something that has been made up by our culture in order to help separate people and to be able to separate them from others. This is done …show more content…

"White Privilege and Male Privilege: A Personal Account of Coming To See Correspondences through Work in Women’s Studies" (1988), by Peggy McIntosh. Macintosh.pdf
Central Theme:
The central theme of “White Privilege Knapsack” is about how white people actually see themselves and how they view the concept of being racist.
What was the article about?:
Some people have more advantages than others, while the rest are left with disadvantages and struggles. Peggy McIntosh mentions that as she was growing up, as a white person, she was taught about racism in a way that would make other individuals are at a disadvantage. White people had certain privileges that others did not.
These advantages are accepted without the knowledge of these white people, this is just how they were brought up as they got older. They are bought up this way and that is how they believe that everyone else is living their life
These advantages are not realized until you actually sit down and think about situations and that about how others deal with being put in the same situation. Some races are higher in power than others, and this allows for the advantages that they are

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