
Essay on What is Critical Thinking?

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What is Critical Thinking? Is the process of conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and /or evaluating information gathered by observation, experience, reflection, reasoning or communication, as a guide to belief and action (Scriven & Paul, n.d.). When one applies critical thinking more ideas are develop, fewer mistakes are made and better decisions are reached. When people instead of using critical thinking act on beliefs or without giving it a second thought, the end results are poor decisions and as a result have a disaster at hand. People don’t always use critical thinking, it is not uncommon to hear someone say such remarks after making the wrong decisions; “I just was not thinking”, “I did not think it was a big deal”, …show more content…

Many times our students have unexpected behaviors, such as refuse to follow directions, have disrupt outburst, hostile, emotional problems, and even become physical towards others or themselves. Special education students do not respond to traditional discipline methods. With children having disabilities like ADHD, or mental health problems if not handled appropriately it the bad behavior could escalate and become difficult to stop. What role does critical thinking have in my analytical and intuitive decision making while I am work? It is a tool used to help solve problems, if my thinking is flawed then decisions are skewed and the problem is not solved, making poor decisions could create more problems could result in putting myself or others in danger. Using critical thinking increases the probability of solving the problem through better choices and decisions. Every day as an instructional aide I use my critical thinking skills when deciding whether an impending conflict will escalate to violent behavior, deciding on how to approach a student Everyday many employees of organizations use their critical thinking skills in countless decisions, critical thinking skills are not the only skills used by employees, but they are the most important. As an employee I use my critical thinking skills when applying to the policies and procedures of my organization, making determinations, making predictions and problem solving more so on-the spot decision making, and

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