
What Is Susan B Anthony Argument

Satisfactory Essays

A quick summary of Susan B. Anthony’s speech. She is basically saying she has committed no crime. Reasoning behind that is because all people have the right to vote. The rights that they have are natural born rights. Which are protected by many documents made to give us rights .I think she has a very good argument with very good points.It is persuasive and it makes you start thinking about what she is saying. The parts that are especially effective is when she brings up multiple historical documents showing that her as a woman has the right to vote and has committed no crime. The thing that was less convincing was when she just kept bring up the documents constantly. I agree with her decision to break the law because that was a big step towards women's rights being taken more serious. …show more content…

Her point of view is being a woman. Which at the time did not have many rights and were not treated very fairly. One rights they did not have is the right to vote which Susan B. Anthony broke. But that helped her be able to become heard and talk about how woman should have the same rights as men do. Her reasoning behind this is because they are all human. So since she is a human she is obligated to natural born rights. Which are protected by the government. Also the evidence she brings up are documents made specifically to protect the rights of humans. She even quotes the Declaration of Independence.which is probably one of the most important document in U.S history. She appeals to lothos when she says that she can vote because it's a natural born right. She appeals to ethos When she brings up the Declaration of Independence. She appeals to pathos when she talks about if women are legally considered

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