
What Is Racism In Schools

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Today in our schools there are many of problems, and one of them is racism. Since about fith grade I have experianced racism and its intolerance. Not just to me but to my friends and people around us. I have hated dealing with people saying racist commets to me, especially since the new president, Trrump was elected. Since I have a hispanic backround people come up to me and tell me to go back to mexico. This commet really eritates me to the point where i dont want to deal with it. Racism is something we need to deal with in our schools and other places.
Its stupid that people actualy care what color and race you are. We are all people and we have feelings. No one in this world is perfect, we all have flause, we all make mistakes but our color isnt a mistake, its not our fault we where born with a certain color. So noone should be making fun of our color. Its become so “normal” that people have just started making racist jokes because they think its cool but its not at all. People can really get hurt by these comments. …show more content…

There are teachers who do not put up with it but there is some that just dont care. Especially in high school I think racism is bad. In High School peoples emotions are very hightened, wich means if you make a rude commet like making fun of there color, then they could be more afected by it than a kid in sixth or seventh grade. So i think we especially need to be careful when you say it to

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