
What Is Miss Emily's Mental Illness

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Miss Emily’s life was one of deep isolation and possible mental illness. The town’s people seemed to put her up on some sort of pedestal. Everyone in town was curious about her life, she hardly ever ventured out giving her a mysterious persona. The idea that Emily was some type of monument is perplexing since she didn’t interact with anyone other than her manservant.” People in our town, remembering how Old Lady Wyatt, her great-aunt, had gone completely crazy at last, believed the Griersons held themselves a little too high for what they really were.” (Norton, 806) Emily going to the drug store asking for poison, specifying arsenic and not furnishing a reason for it’s use was an example where she thought she was above everyone. Emily didn’t care about laws she just wanted what she wanted and people gave in because they pitied her. Eventually, you learn that her lover Homer Barron wouldn’t be one that the coroner would get out of the house like he was able to do with her father, which took three …show more content…

When the new generation came to power they sent Miss Emily a tax statement every year hoping that she would pay it; they even tried visiting with her to explain that there were never any payments or deal done with the town for her to be tax-free. She didn’t care because once upon a time she was told she didn’t have taxes. She would still dismiss this fact and acted as if she were above all in the town. My ultimate take is that Faulkner portrayed her to have a dark soul. Emily lived in disgust for someone who held themselves to such a higher standard than most people. He portrayed this not only by her actions but also on the description of her home inside and out. The people in the town felt sorry for her quite possibly because she was alone, perhaps this is why they put up with her in the manner they

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