
What Is Daisy's View Of Love In The Great Gatsby

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I firmly stand with Nick when he explains that you cannot repeat the past. In the past, Gatsby and Daisy were no doubt in love. They adored each other completely, but Daisy had to make the decision to choose money over love. However, in the years that they have been apart, she has greatly missed the love she felt for Gatsby. Because of this, she feels as though she loves Gatsby the same as she used to. Gatsby sees how much Daisy adores him, and is very hopeful. He wants desperately for things to be the way that they were when Daisy and he were still young and very much in love. However, his hope has damaged his view of the situation. If he were not so set on living out his life with Daisy, he would see the situation for everything that it was. …show more content…

“By God, I may be old-fashioned in my ideas, but women run around too much these days to suit me.” (Page 11, Chapter 6) Tom says this to Nick, to emphasise that Daisy knowing people that he didn’t was not okay with him. It was not very common for women to have friends that were not also friends of her husband’s.This being said, if it were to ever be discovered that Daisy had slept with someone besides Tom, she would be finished. The entire community would shame and shun her, and she would be completely isolated. She could not simply leave her husband for Gatsby, no matter what feelings exist. Alongside this, she is not the same person that split ways with Gatsby six years ago. Daisy has been married, had a child, and lived several years in the glamorous life offered by being old money. Meanwhile, Gatsby has been to college, pursued many careers, and experienced many things. “I feel far away from her.” Gatsby says to Nick on page 117 in chapter 6. He is explaining that he doesn’t feel the same connection that they once had. This is not an effect of not caring for each other, but a result of Daisy and Gatsby being apart for years. They have grown as their

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