
What Effect Will Gmo Labeling

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What effect will GMO labeling have in America? The last few years American’s have been the center of attention when it comes to an example of unhealthy living. In 2013 obesity became recognized as a disease in order to help aid the fight for a healthy future. Fingers are being pointed at every company and government branch possible on who is to blame for the current crisis. One thing people are able to agree on is that the food we are eating is the main cause of the health crisis in America. At the heart of this debate is the discussion on genetically modified organism, or GMO foods. GMOs are an animal, plant, or other single-celled life form whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. Groups are torn …show more content…

Although most people would expect him to support the GMO labeling initiative, Bertini has found himself on the opposition side instead. Bertini who is also a lawyer, has read over the proposed GMO labeling initiative and as it is written right now, he will be forced to label multiple different products. Items such as his honey from boutique apiaries and fresh pasta he buys in bulk from a Denver producer, then packages for sale in his store will need labels. This could cause unplanned consequences for not only his own business but other local stores as well. In, “Unintended consequences of Colorado GMO labeling initiative,” James Bertini informs readers about the concerns local companies have over the proposed GMO labeling. The new law will require him and many other small business to label many of the items in their stores. Bertini says, “We’d have to hire an extra person to do all the labeling,” which is a burden his store might not be able to afford. His store isn’t the only place in Colorado worried about the initiative. Mark Grueskin, a lawyer representing other companies opposed to the measure, worries that marijuana edibles will also be required to label under the GMO labeling initiative.
Not only do companies have to worry about coming up with the expenses to hire more employees to help with the labeling. Companies are at risk of facing a misdemeanor charge over

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