
Wells Fargo Week 1 Consequentialist Ethics

Decent Essays

Case 1a)

Consequentialist ethics states that actions are made based on the relevant consequences of those actions.

Ethical egoism claims that an ethically correct action for someone is that which maximises his/her own good, bearing consequences to other stakeholders irrelevant. Employees at opening unauthorised accounts did so in accordance with their ‘self-interest’, striving to amplify sales targets and receive bonuses. These actions under ethical egoism would be considered as ethical actions.

Utilitarianism theory suggests that the right action for someone is that which maximises the overall good for everyone. Identifying stakeholders who are affected by a proposed action and determining whether the action will contribute to a maximum amount of good or not. Although the decisions made by employees may have amplified their wellbeing initially, their actions ultimately created consequences; customers were treated poorly, employees were sacked and the reputation of Wells Fargo diminished. As a result of …show more content…

The opening of unauthorised accounts began in 2011 and ended with 5 300 employees being fired over 2 million phoney accounts. The issue beginning with employees trying to “boost their sales figures and make more money” (Egan, 2016) initially would have been seen as an unfaithful act against Wells Fargo. However, in accordance with organisational norms, information sharing is regarded as usual and socially expected workplace behaviour. Employees would feel induced to behave similarly to their fellow employees and gain related benefits. For an organisation to survive, it’s members must work cohesively as a group and commit themselves, even if they have to relinquish some of their personal freedom (Shaw & Barry, 2016) Consequently, individuals conforming to this behaviour would have their moral principles being

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