
We 're All Lying Liars

Decent Essays

In we’re All Lying Liars, Ulrich Boser, discusses lying .Boser argues that everyone lies from an early age and beside some benefits, lying is a bad habit. First, he points out that people lie at least once a day. Second, he states that researchers found out that lying have some benefits. Then, Boser refers to some researchers, who, try to give some reasons why people usually lie. Later on, the author, emphasizes on the fact that lying can help to improve ourselves. Finally, he concludes that even though lying can help to socialize with other, not telling the truth always hurt. A few years ago, I had a close friend with whom I shared every detail about my life including my engagement. Before my husband’s proposal, I told her to help me informing my family about it; however, she ended up telling my own life to every one of her friend. Boser was right about how much a small lie can hurt us inspire of the several advantages of a small lie. From my experience, I agree that not telling the truth is hurting too much. Although lying can help to progress and ameliorate ourselves, parents must teach their kids to tell the truth in order to stay together forever. I agree with the author that sometimes lying can help people to move forward because wishing the fake situation to become real, boost us to work harder. As the author claims, ‘’small embellishments can have positive psychological effects.’’ Even though lying is usually unacceptable, in some situation we find ourselves forced

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