
Voting Essay

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Voting allows the voices of the people to be heard. However, this has not always been a privilege for everyone. Voting first happened around 1776. When the right to vote was first given to the people, only white landowners were allowed to vote. By 1788 slaves were counted as ⅗ of a person. The Dred Scott v. Stanford court case ruled that slaves are property and have no rights. “A black man has no rights a white man is bound to respect.” This ruling increased tensions leading into the civil war. This deprived African Americans even more to the right to citizenship. The 15th amendment was ratified in 1870, which granted black males the right to vote. When the 19th amendment was ratified in 1920, all citizens were allowed to vote regardless …show more content…

Voting is supposed to allow everyone the opportunity to voice their opinion, but with these new laws, such as presenting a photo ID, everyone is not getting a say so, so the votes aren’t accurate. The new law of having a photo ID to vote also affects transgenders. Many people who have transitioned themselves haven’t updated their ID and have a picture with their original sex. Those who transitioned have no documents or records with their current gender listed. This new law makes it harder for them because their information isn’t updated, and because of this they aren’t allowed to vote. This also makes the votes inaccurate because there are about 25,000 transgenders who aren’t getting their say so.
The government is trying to cut early voting, which plays a part in voter suppression. Early voting allows those with disabilities and those who have jobs get their votes in while they have time and before the lines get to crazy. Cutting early voting leads to longer lines, which may cause fewer people to vote. Many people leave in frustration due to how long the lines may be. Since 2011 various states have cut back on voting due to politicians leading these attempts for supportive gain. In 2012 Florida cut voting down from 14 days to eight. In 2013 North Carolina cut voting down from 17 days to 10. Based on statics between the years of 2008 and 2012 around 70% of blacks took advantage of voting early. In

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