
Virtue Theory And Abortion By Rosalind Hursthouse

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PHI 107 Essay Assignment 11/24/15 Katelalyn Miller Virtue Theory is one of many different moral theories that exist today. It is based off of Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics which focuses on having an ideal character. The main focus of Virtue Theory is the role of one’s character, which is closely related to its roots in Aristotle. A Virtue Theorist would do things because it is who they themselves are, not because it is good to do them or because they will get something good from doing them. In the article, “Virtue Theory and Abortion”, by Rosalind Hursthouse, she explains her view on abortion without trying to solve the issue of if it is right or wrong. She, with the use of Virtue Theory, simply says that an action is right only if a virtuous agent would do it were they in the same circumstances. She goes on explaining how a Virtue Theorist needs to apply if actions are honest/dishonest and charitable/uncharitable; without doing this then Virtue Theory would be of no use with real moral issues because of a lack of argument. Hursthouse says that there are two main things taken into consideration when speaking of the morality of abortion. The first thing is the status of the fetus, meaning whether or not it is a conscious being and if it may or may not be killed. The second thing is women’s rights, if a woman has the right to choose what is best for her own body and mind over the

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