
Vaccines Are Highly Beneficial?

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What are vaccines?:
Vaccines are products that produce immunity from a disease and can be administered into the human body by injection, mouth, or by aerosol. Getting vaccinated is a safe and effective way to keep you healthy and prevent you from catching the many dangerous diseases lurking in the open world. Here in the United States, vaccinations are required. Therefore, it is evident that vaccines are highly beneficial.

Origin: Around 10,000 BC, the deadly disease, called smallpox came into existence in northeastern Africa and rapidly spread throughout the world through merchants and trade, infecting all the classes of society. Around 430 BC, it became apparent that survivors of smallpox were immune the disease. And from then, the …show more content…

Although Edward Jenner was not the first to discover vaccinations, he was the first to confer scientific methods in his experiments and investigations. 2

Vaccine provokes our bodies to produce immunity by triggering our immune system to create antibodies (a substance that fights diseases). The vaccine encourages the immune system to produce its own antibodies, which is called “active immunity” as though the person has already infectected by the disease. And once, the vaccinated person has the disease, the immune system will immediately recognize that it is time to produce antibodies. 1

Vaccines help me by keeping me and my loved ones healthy and happy. Being sick is one of the greatest things I dread because it is awfully uncomfortable and is not worth living for. It is especially painful when I see my family members sick and miserable. With vaccines, all of us are able to go to perform our daily tasks with a positive and energetic attitude, which just brings a whole new meaning to this life! Even with all of the other harmful diseases lurking in this vast world, I still feel safe because I am protected by vaccines. I think that vaccinations are underappreciated and need to praised more!


You realize that vaccines help you stay healthy and help others survive deadly disease, such as polio. However, you never realize that adorable animals play a big part and contribute in everybody’s health. How? Well, without them,

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