
Us Vs Japan

Decent Essays

Chapter Four – Case 2 US vs. Japan, research 4-20
As an international student I am lucky enough to be able to provide a unique outsider’s perspective on some of the cultural difference and similarities between Japan and U.S.A. I try to do this by using my own customs and traditions as a tool to compare that of the two countries. I use religion, political stance, formality, collectivist vs individualistic ways of thinking and traditions that they share as a rubric to measure the similarities and differences between the two. As an international student I also have the unique opportunity to get insight from my personal friend from Japan, Kazuki Sona.
As an Ethiopian I have had the opportunity to see the effects of religion first hand. …show more content…

but their differences don’t end there, Japan follows a parliament system, while the U.S. follows the presidential system. In the parliament system the prime minister is expected to be involved in most, if not all major decisions. He/she are also responsible for the decisions they make, which is why Japan goes through more politicians a year than a baby goes through diapers. This is also very related to what we discussed in chapter three: about the symbolic and omnipotent views. Japans has an omnipotent view on their political leaders, blaming them for all their failures as well as, crediting them for their …show more content…

In the case study it mentions that more is expected from the employees of Nomura compared to the more casual and lenient employees of Lehman. Employees of Nomura have to look and act a certain way (some of which, in my opinion does not fully reflect the Japanese culture). The women were separated from the men in training, which would obviously raise a red flag had it been employees of Lehman.
For two companies of such severe differences and little commonalities to get along, it requires great patience, and an even greater deal of tolerance. In the last paragraph of the case study it talks about the last minute efforts that Nomura did, before the Ex-executive of Lehman left. We also get a sense of unpreparedness from both companies; that, one did not do homework on the needs and wants of the other. Had they have been more flexible of their cultural beliefs, and worked harder at diversifying their workgroup from the gecko, the outcome might have been different. And both companies would not have had to work so hard to understand the

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