
Unjust To Tax

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The gap between the rich and the poor in the States is growing. A common solution that has been proposed by many, is to tax the rich and distribute the money gathered from that amongst the poor. From a social justice perspective, the question remains though whether it would be just or unjust to do this. When it comes to the redistribution of wealth or income from the rich to the poor through taxation, the libertarian school of thought would object and say it is cohesion and that the state or majority of people would be stealing from people who happened to do very well in their lives and became wealthy. We have to respect people for the sole fact that they are people, and if they earned the money fairly then it would be unjust to take it away. …show more content…

The reason why it is not coerced because the rich individuals along with everyone that gets taxed, agreed to be in a society. It is not considered “slavery” in any sense to tax because in a democratic society, it is not a slave holder, but it is congress. Not to mention, that individuals who voted for people to make it to congress gave these people the right to control society in a sense. If you live in a society that operates under a democratic rule, then it should be up to the government to decide how the resources (taxes) are distributed because it’s through the consent of the government. If people do not like this, then they should not be living in such societies. At the same time, the libertarians would respond by saying that this democracy is okay as long as it does not interfere with fundamental human rights. It should always be up to the people to enforce laws upon themselves and the government should have no involvement in moral or paternal …show more content…

Some might argue that wealth depends partly on luck so it is not deserved. I would argue and say that the wealthy in society are those that invested into their talents and used them in the best way possible and we should not be tax these people because they were successful. If the wealthy people would like to donate to the poor or help out organization that aid the poor, then they are free to do that because they did it with their own will. However, it would be theft and manipulation to tax them and give that money to the

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