
United States Parole Program Compared To Australia And

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United States Parole Program Compared to Australia and Canada
Angela K. Varner
University of Cincinnati
School of Criminal Justice
Seminar in Community Corrections
April 19, 2017 Abstract
Each country across the globe has its unique ways to deal with criminals. Most of their criminal justice systems include some form of parole for individuals who have completed their sentences, in order to maintain some form of control over them while they readjust to life outside prison. This article will discuss the overall parole system in the United States and those of Australia and Canada. The Australian and Canadian parole systems will be compared to that of the United States and their effectiveness will be discussed. The information …show more content…

However, all offenders eligible for parole are not automatically granted a release (Latessa & Smith, 2015, p. 106). Parole must be approved by the state or federal parole board which reviews the offender’s prison record to determine if they are safe to release back into society.
Most states limit parole to inmates convicted of certain crimes who have served a certain percentage of their sentence. For instance, offenders who have been convicted of first-degree murder, kidnapping, rape, arson, or drug trafficking are generally not eligible for parole. For other offenders, the parole board will consider each inmate 's personal characteristics, such as age, mental stability, marital status and prior criminal record (Parole & Probation).
Parole in the United States is, in essence, a contract between the state and the offender. While every state has its own policies and procedures, parole usually lasts more than two but less than seven years (Latessa & Smith, 2015, p. 108). If over the course of their parole, the offender is able to abide by the terms of this contract - or parole conditions - their freedom will continue to be maintained. These conditions may include such items as living within state or county lines, meeting regularly with a parole officer, submitting to drug and alcohol tests, and providing proof of residence and employment (Parole & Probation). If a parolee does not follow their prescribed conditions, they may

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