
Unit 18 - Multi-Disciplinary Working (P6,M3,D2)

Decent Essays

Multi-disciplinary Working in the Health Service Provision

What is multi-disciplinary working?
This is the term applied when a team of people work together/jointly in cooperation in order to complete something, in this case it would be to implement the best quality/form of care.

45-year-old Mark has been in an accident as he is a victim in an alleged assault. He has fractured his skull after he had been hit with a bat; this then made him turn unconscious for a limited period. Mark had then been cognisant once again, this allowed me to put him through to a full scan and he required a crucial brain scan. Mark is required a huge amount of assistance from a Nurse, Doctor and Radiologist (Neuroradiology brain imaging).

The doctor would help …show more content…

If the professionals work well together the service for the service users will be efficient, as both of the professions can communicate effectively with each other. So therefore, this means that the treatment, planning of treatment or care for the individual will be enforced and provided with much better devotion. This also means the professionals can pass things through to each other and will be prompt, as appose to if they were not working well together then there would be delays on things such as results, x-rays, files/documentation, etc; so, it is compulsory for the professions to work well together. If they’re working well together both professions will be attentive during all times, as opposed to if they were not getting on, then the outcome of this would have been that they are appalling at their job and the professionals would be perceived as incompetent by the service user, etc. In addition to this, this also means the service user will feel very insecure, unsafe and would feel much more stressed or nervous as they may be conscious and cognisant about the fact that they can see and acknowledge that the professions are not communicating effectively enough, to give the service user the best form/quality of care. The service user might feel that they’d be safer elsewhere or with other members of the professional team (who will provide the service they are require).

The professionals will benefit

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