
Understanding The Behaviour Of Organisation

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Understanding the behaviour of organisation in their environment

Business organisations do operate in the environment that has a strong influence on the way business operate and conduct their business transactions. The environment that business organisations face is both internal and external and both needs strategy and policy to dealt with. Thus, business organisation must find a way to deal with it. External environment is the macro environment that business organisations interact with daily bases. To operate successful business must be able to respond effectively to factors that have influence on them. Therefore, the success depends on the ability to adopt with the environment in which business operates.

3.1. Explain 3 different types of market structure (perfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly and regulations of competition: determine pricing and output decision of ASDA business.

1. Perfect competition:

Perfect market is a hypothetical market where economists believe competition reaches its best level, but in reality, there no such perfect competition. It is an economic theory that is used as a base to compare with other market structures. According to an economic online, a market which, exhibits the following characteristics is said to be a perfect competitive market. Under perfect competition, business organisations are price takers not price makers but there is no such perfect competition, customer are not bound to a single supplier, but

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