
Unbroken Essay Papers

Decent Essays

The novel Unbroken is about Louis Zamperini. The book starts out with Louie's older brother Pete being worried about Louis because he always gets himself into trouble. To try to turn Louie's life around his brother intruders Louie into running. Louie starts to practice and becomes very good at running. He becomes such a good runner that he makes it to the olympics. Later in Louie's life he joins the Army Aircorps. All was well for louie, until he was sent on a rescue mission. During the mission Louie's plane goes down. Later a horrific journey on a raft in the ocean he is captured by the japanese, and becomes a POW. Many incidents in Unbroken reveal that Louie is hopeful, Intelligent, and determined. There are many ways Louie has shown his hopefulness throughout the book. When Louie first has a chance to get to the olympics, he is hopeful to work as hard as he can to make his way to the first place medal. Louie has shown his hopefulness all throughout the book, such as when he and his other two crew mates are on the raft. On the raft Mac …show more content…

Even as a young kid who stole things Louie showed his intelligence. Louie showed his intelligence by stealing and running away from people without getting caught. Stranded on the raft Louie showed his intelligence by having Mac, Phil, and himself tell stories to one another to help keep their minds sharp. Louie Also showed how intelligent he his by using the bird they could not eat to catch fish for them to eat. Louie has shown his determination all throughout the book. Louie was determined for the bird not to break him. Though all of Louie's humiliation, he kept determined to keep his dignity. When Louie first became a POW he was pressured to give the Japanese information about the United States. Even when the Japanese bribed Louie he was determined to not betray him country. Many incidents in Unbroken reveal that Louie is hopeful, Intelligent, and

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