
Types Of Rating Methods For Proposals That The Government Uses

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There are two types of rating methods for proposals that the government uses. One is the Numerical Method and the other is the Adjectival Method. Each method is based off each agencies preference. The numerical method is quite simple there are categories that can be used to rate such as total cost and or a combination of cost and non-cost on how the proposal meets the objectives that have been asking to fulfill. The rating scale is on bias way of being able to objectively provide no favoritism but use the facts. The scale adds up to 100. For an example it is like a grading rubric that is used on the grading of papers for universities. Each proposal will have a list of criterias or objectives that needs to be meant. Next you have a scale of percentages or a number scale that will give each one a weight to use in the rating part of each objective. Also, it 's common knowledge to list the most important task first on the proposal and that the vendors should be made aware on how the proposal will be weighted meaning if cost is more important or a combination of cost and non-cost. This allows the vendor equal opportunity to be able to tailor the proposal to give them a better chance in being picked and make the proposal reasonable so no one 's time is wasted. Last, rating method is adjectival which is a way of rating each proposal on a simple four to five categories. The scale could be a simple scale that consists of unacceptable, poor, satisfactory, good, and

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