
Two Party System Essay

Decent Essays

The two-party system is an enduring part of U.S. politics. Even before the ratification of the Constitution in 1789 the founders themselves were split into two separate camps. Since then American politics have gone through different parties, but there were never more than two major political parties. There is trouble in paradise though. Modern discontent with “Washington insiders” have led many to consider seeking those unaffiliated with one of the major parties. While the two-party system has endured thanks in part due to a coalition makeup, electoral accountability, and organizational strength there is a strong desire for an alternative for the current parties with barriers in place inhibiting the emergence of a third party. During …show more content…

David R. Jones, University of New York, identifies the model of voter decision-making that helps to keep these coalitions accountable to the people. Typically voters will tend to focus less on the actions of the particular candidate and more upon the party actions while voting for a candidate. The two party model that voters use is broken down into three basic parts. The first is party performance, what have they accomplished while holding power. The second relates to policy stances. The policy stance is easily verified based on comments made by candidates or actions taken while in office. The final piece of information a voter may use is based on how the majority or minority conducts itself during the actual running of government (Jones, 2014). If the minority forces an impasse, or even assists the majority in passing legislation, this can greatly impact a voters' voting process. These three factors are used to weigh one party against another. While the current majority in Congress may not have the greatest showing on the legislative side, a voter may still decide that based on recent conduct of the minority the majority is preferable. How a party presents itself to the public is a direct reflection of its organizational

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