
Two Kinds By Amy Tan

Satisfactory Essays

Compare and contract “Tiger mom” and “Two kinds” In the story “Two kinds” by Amy Tan and the story “tiger mom” by Annie Murphy Paul, characters Chua and Amy’s mom they are both wants to their child be better however, Chua is very ultra so that I think she is inhuman but Amy is not like Chua that so extremely and inhuman. Firstly, both of them want to their child be better. In the story “Two kinds” the paragraph 4 it’s said “She would present new tests, taking her example from stories of amazing children she had read” according to that we I can know Amy is a good mom which put a big wise on her daughter. She always talking about amazing children that can show a mom wants her child be as them because of Amy loved her child so she put a big …show more content…

In the story “Tiger mom” paragraph 1 it’s said “forced her 7-year-old daughter LuLu to practice for hours on end – ‘right though dinner into the night’ with no breaks for water or even the bathroom unit at last LuLu learned to play the piece.” According to that I can see a mom so extremely strict that like inhuman and ill-treat. Chua doesn’t allow her child drink eat even the bathroom unit LuLu achieved her goal. Then I think Chua is inhuman and ill-treat. In the story “Two kinds” the paragraph 8 it’s said “one night I had to look at a paper from the bible for three minutes and then report everything I could remember. ‘Now Jehoshaphat had riches in honor and abundance and… that’s all I remember, Ma’ I said.” According to that I can see a mom get a goal to her child. The goal might be a litter weird but I think it just as a mom for her daughter’s wise. And it’s not same as Chua ruled her child “No food No water No bathroom” but still Amy give her daughter a goal and ruled her child rigorous. Therefore in “Tiger mom” Chua is very extremely strict as ill-treat but same role in the story “Two kinds” Amy is not similar as

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