
Trying To Teach My Little Sisters How To Read

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If you think that teaching is for you, then I suggest trying to teach two five year-old little girls to read at the same time! Teaching my little sisters how to read will forever be one of the most challenging things I have ever done. The weekend I taught Carlee and Kalee how to read will always play over in my mind. This is the story of the week that I went insane trying to teach my little sisters how to read.
It was the summer of 2013, the weekend before Carlee and Kalee started Kindergarten. They had just turned five and they were as fun-loving and energetic as ever. They had been going to a program called, HIPPIE, all last school year. That program can help kids in many ways, including the basics on how to read. However, the twins still weren’t the brightest fish in the sea. They needed some help, and mom thought that I should be the one to teach them.
The good thing was that the twins were all for the idea of me teaching them how to read. They were excited, and that was good! First, we went to the library to get books. I told them they were only allowed to get two books each. Carlee was able to find two really easy stories that she liked. Kalee on the other hand was a bit more difficult. She found one book she really liked, but she wasn’t able to find a …show more content…

I had a schedule all planned out. We would read one book each on Saturday and the other two on Sunday. Carlee’s first book was, Green Eggs and Ham. She already knew most of the sight words, thanks to the HIPPIE program. She was able to read the book with only little help! You could tell she was really into it and loved to read. Kalee was a whole different story. Her first book was The Very Hungry Caterpillar. She knew the sight words but not really. She could look at them, and after a minute she would tell you what the word was. They were sight words, she had to think, and that was fine. Mom thought she needed to know them better. We worked, worked, and worked some

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